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I need: ♥ A stronger relationship with Jesus! ♥ Do well in Sec 3 ♥ Go back to SHANGHAI. ♥ My friends and family to be under God's grace! ♥ to learn to let go and let God. Archives
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♥ TWO TWO♥ ONE TWO ♥ COUNCIL ♥ IJ NETBALL ♥ DANIELLE ♥ PETRINA ♥ ANGELA ♥ AMANDA LOW ♥ KIMBERLY ♥ KAELA ♥ LYN ♥ KIMBERLY CHEW ♥ LISA +agnes +amabel +andrea goh +andrea koh +andreea +anne xue +alycia +ariaga +bernice +catalina +caitlin +callista +cezanne +chai ning +chelsey +cheryl teow +cheryl poh +christabel +christie yeo +christine +christine lee +clara tee +cynthia +daniel lee! +daphne +elizabeth tan +estee +estelle +esther +fang +felicia soh +gabrielle +guo fang +gwen seah +hazel +hui geok +hui yi +hui ying +isabel lau +joan +jochebel +joy chia +jia yan +jia ying +kah hui +karlyn +kathleen +keely +ke xuan +lesley! +li keng +ling yi +lydia +marrissa +mei shuen +melody +min en +natalie +nicole<3<3 +nina +ONE ONE +one three +one four +one five +one seven +one eight +pamela +qian hui +qian yan +qium +rachel w. +regina +ruth +ryan +sabrina +sandra +sarah +serene +shermin +sheryl seet +shi pei +shi yun shok teng +shu yi +sophia +susie +tessa +valerie +wei min +wei ting +wendi +wen jin +yi ting +yun ting |
hellos!I'm here to blog again:)! Today was AWESOME! Came to school in he morning and studied geo:) with viviana:)It was fun and nice!Had PE and it was fun!:) Played ball as usual:) But this time round, ms chua split me up! I was in alex,clarissa,joy,alison,chelsey and people's group!hahas:) It was quite fun atually!:) I hink we played well! Go people!:) Great job!:)After that had geo! Test! But Ms Mazlind turned up for class!That means no test!:)Recess-ed:) Than had science, we did some heridity stuff:) Quite fun, paste here,paste there!lols Next, drama class:) Got my partner for drama exam:)ASHIRA!haha:) After that had english than maths! Did some maths and stuff:) After school had lunch with pet,diandra and ariaga:) Pet was late>:( Than went to buy burger and ate:) Ariaga had to leave early because of drama:( So continued lunch with diandra and pet:)Ate and chatted:) Diandra was using the ball to hit pet and it hit her head twice or trice!lols haha:) After that diandra and I studied:)Pet ditched us:( So we studied and half the time diandra was smsing!:)lol Than got a call from lisa:) She joined us after that:)After her experience with janice!lols:)haha:) After that did work and stuff. Lisa helped:) After that ari joined us and we did some srcipt analysize:) Was good!:)haha:) love ariaga,diandra and lisa!:)After that lisa went home and we played and camwhore at the basketball court:) Cool pictures!Check it out!:)Daddy fetched and went home:)Doing the newsbroad cast script now. News broad cast will be blast! I'm sure:) I'm off to do work! Tata for now:) I LOVE ARI,LISA AND DIANDRA<3 Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 4:24 AM ♥ talk about my life
hello! I'm here again to blog:)Posted some photo when I went genting highlands:) I was kinda hyper that few days:) So took crazy picture:) haha:) School yesterday was good! Had lessons as usual and stuff than after school went to eat with hui ying:)) haha:) I LOVE HUI YING! She is so nice:) Saw the seniors at the canteen, they have video thingy:) Than saw clarice!:) GAve her a super BIG hug! lol, pet got jealous>:( lols, so I decided to give her a hug later:) Came bak after buying carrot cake and lipton milo chocolate! haha:) I like the lipton tea milo chocolate! Very nice:) Thanks alot maryanne:) Than ate with hui ying and clarice and danielle joined in:) Chatted and crapped!:) LOL, after finish eating gave pet a hug and she broke my heart>:( haah:) Now she owes me a BIG RUNNING HUG and A LONG LONG LETTER:)haha:) love you, babe!:)OH and congratulation on becoming blue house vice-captain!Went back to class with hui ying and saw ari and people interviewing people:) haha:) Than I was interiewed by them about the captain ball carnival!:) After that talk to ari and yeah we are okay already:) After that daddy came to fetch me and stuff went home:) Slack and stuff than slept:) I was dead beat. Today, nothing really. Went to buy lunch and stuff than now blogging. So bored nothing to do.. I think I'll go and study now:) Bye, people and love ya truckloads:)) Friday, July 25, 2008 @ 10:58 PM ♥ talk about my life
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm here blogging because I think today is a very meaningful day!:) haha:) Not because its Racial Harmony Day-.- but because loads and loads of good/bad things happened.. School in the morning was quite okay, went to help ms mazlind hang some decoration for RHD:) Quite fun!:) Than after that went back to class to prepare the model and script. After that whole class went to the canteen to pack food for everyone! Like seriously EVERYONE. I was in charge of sec 3/9:)Count yourself lucky! I done quite fast with ashley and min yee's help! Thanks!:) love ya-s:) Waited for the roti john for a loooonngggg time-.- But in the end I must say, 1/2 did well! LOL, We're the BEST man!:) After that we ate and I did the shift for all recesses:) Was fun! Did it with clara, nicolette, tiffany,viviana,charmaine,ari and people:)Saw pet and people, shall not elaborate about that. After that we had science and I was part of the fashion parade so we need to go and melody and people never tell me than just drag me out of the class-.- than kena mrs tan "scolding". Sorry, mrs tan:( After that went to the hall and I saw shi pei, diandra and clarice! Shi pei was the model of 2/1 and clarice is the model of 2/3! HAHA:) They look so funny!:D I was kinnda nervous and stuff but actually quite okay lar:) Than had the fashion parade blah blah.. After that was IJ polling day! Voted for EXCO:) LOL. Than after that rush back to class to change as we are going to be late for training! Rush rush rush, than when I was changing my shoes halfway, coach came-.- I was like panicking. But lucky she was in a rather good mood:)There wasn't any friendly match with basketballers after all-.- Did skipping-.- I tell you I hate skipping, got this arguement with pet. About who hit who. I was like so pissed:( So after the first break, I went to do with sheryl:) Was much better there! HAd so much fun, especially with clarice around:) She is so funny!:D love you! Than after fininsh doing the skipping stuff, did medcine ball drills with sheryl:) Was quite okay other than the part where we lost one ball?! and left with only one ball!:( and the part where we just can't throw the left hand passes:( But other than that, it was rather enjoyable:) I LOVE DOING WEIGHTS WITH SHERYL!:) After that did pitter patter with kim:) Kim is finally back!:) I just can't do pitter patter with sheryl:( I'll get so pissed:( Sorry sheryl:( love you! Than moved down to parade square and played awhile of game. Okay lar, played WA and Wendi is so funny! Tell me all sorts of funny thing and suddenly ask me if I got my menses yet?! I was like yeah-.- LOL Okay after that went to fininsh up the rest of the pitter patter and stuff. Did some drills with sherwynn, tessa and shermin:) Quite okay too!:) Although I wanted to play more.. After training had a mini celebration for marie's birthday:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIE!:)Had a arguement with pet again:( Was sad, so went back to class and take my things with sheryl:) Than after that pet came to look for sheryl?! Go buy food and stuff than I went to buy food with diandra:) okay, shall not go into details. Its very private:X Than had a really good talk with pet. REALLY LONG GOOD TALK. I'm so sorry pet, you know why, but I really love you alot! I also want to take this chance to thank hui ying! haha:) Sorry yesterday didn't blog about you:( I'll blog now! haha:) Hui ying is the best friend anyone can have! You are always there for me when I needed help!:) Love you loads and loads!:) Okay, back to pet. I'm really sorry like really really sorry:( LOVE YOU MAN! haah:) okay, there goes my super long long post!:) I'm going to sleep now.. I'm tired. Love ya and peace out! I LOVE HUI YING!:) I LOVE PETRINA TO THE MAX:) i'm so sorry about today:( love you,babe:) Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 7:04 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() I'll blog for maxene today:) Omg, i tell you. She is SO SWEET! Look at what she did for me! I swear i love her man! Okay, seriously I was so touched!:) haha:)Almost cried, haha:) No lar, kidding!:) So today, didn't really do anything. Just went out to bowl and play arcade:) Today not too bad got alot of strike! lol:) Pet was so jealous lar, she was watching tv at home.-.-haha:) Next time go out with you,okay? love you!Than after that recieved sms from jeraldine:) Than after that when I go and buy bubble tea than I saw her! Omg! Its such a small world lar!:) Okay, I really really miss pl! I want to go back and see everyone! Especially 6 gentleness 07 people! omg, i miss you all like so much! I miss mrs tay too:( So long never see her, the last time I met her was like ms cheong's wedding mass:( I miss ms cheong too! oh, i miss mrs khoo too!lol okay, i miss alot of people i realise-.- Anyways, tomorrow we will bw having friendly match with basketballers! I'm excited!:) okay, I'll blog soon again! love you
I LOVE MANGOINGO![MAXENE]<33333 Sunday, July 20, 2008 @ 5:02 AM ♥ talk about my life
me take picture than I guess its alright to upload it:) School this week was fun, there were ups and downs.Downs will include the awful incident that happened between pet, airaga and I:( But everything is fine now:) I really really treasure this friendship with you two:) Ups include the super fun art trip we went, haha:) Min yee and Ashley practically spent the whole day there buying drink and food for 7 11!haha:) Charmaine and I was HARDWORKING!haha:) We were drawing and drawing all the time:) Got some help from "MS" HO. haha:) JOKING! Had loads of fun there! Came out with names for Isabel, Ashley, Charmaine and Min Yee:) Mesmerizing Min yee Irresistable Isabel Cool Charmaine Awesome Ashley annddd FABULOUS FANG YING! haha:) I love you girls!:) It was super fun with you all around:) Today was kinda sad:( Got kinda angry with chermaine but amazingly, I wasn't angry with her by like end of the day?! That's super weird.. haah:) After school ate lunch with min yee, ashley and Isabel:) Saw clarice and Shi pei:) They were taking their netballs for tomorrow's carnival:) sec 1 do not need to go! haha:) GO SENIORS! YOU'LL DO WELL IN TOMORROW'S CARNIVAL! LOVE YOU ALL LOADS! So pet did something really funny but seriously I feel so honoured. She did that retard thing for me!:) Love you, hunny:) After that went back to class and helped with the icon:) Painted the chair and left for piano lesson. I am so NOT GOOD at piano-.- I suck at it. Plus, thanks pet for cheering me up!:) After that went home and slacked. I miss the times where I could just sit on the bed and relax the whole day! But I never regret coming to IJ! I've met so many good friends here and found a GREAT TEAM- IJ NETBALL! I'm so tired of piano, I want to quit.. But my mum don't allow:( I'm depressed! Sigh.. I'll end here, will blog soon again:) MISS ME!:) Friday, July 18, 2008 @ 4:41 AM ♥ talk about my life
I so glad that everythings over. I'm seriously sad sad sad yesterday:( I think everything's a misunderstanding. I'm so sorry pet for saying those hurtful words to you and making you feel sad. I'm such a bad friend, I can't even help you and I'm actually blaming on you. I'm seriously the lousiest friend on earth. I hope everyhing is gonna be like last time or even better. I think you are the bestest friend anyone could ever had. I'm glad to have a friend like you to share feelings with. Although the time we know each other isn't that long, we have been the closest friend ever:) Ariaga, I'm sorry too for saying al that to you. I'm really sorry:( I just want to let you all know that, I really love you all! Let's all go back to the happy times!:) All is back to normal!:)HAPPPPPYYYYY!:) HAHA:)
I LOVE PETRINA CHIA AND ARIAGA!<33333 Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @ 5:02 AM ♥ talk about my life
here are the dedications to people:) PETRINA: I know I need to blog about you so I'm here now typing for you:) Today's carnival was FUN with you:) Well done for the shooting competition!:) Thanks for donating the ball too! YOU ARE DA BOMB! I LOVE PETRINA! LISA: thanks alot of the whole lot of fun with you:) you still owe me letter! haha:) I want to be the pole member so I'll go on monday Be there too! remember to pass me my letter! you are the best lisa! LOVE YOU! WENDI: haha:) can't believe you are so funny! I rather enjoy being your first aid girl?! haha:) It was fun with you around especially at KFC:) love you alot! ANGELA: I'm so sorry, I so screwed the stats:( thanks alot for saving the day! I really enjoyed the time spent with you! haha:) Love you loads<333 Saturday, July 12, 2008 @ 7:21 AM ♥ talk about my life
drama night and netball carnival
hello, I'm back again:) okay, drama night yesterday was cool! Fininshed school and ate lunch with charmaine, maryanne, anne marie, ashira, grace and gaby. Ate chicken rice and gaby bought the lipton tea milo ice blend?! Maryanne have been telling me that lipton tea plus milo ice blend is nice, but I just don't believe! haha:) So asked gaby to buy so I can try! Suprisely, it tasted quite good! haha:) So after that we went home and change and put my bag. I'm meeting chanapa and chermaine for dinner that day and I was telling them not to be late and I was the one who was late in the end-.- haha:) I went home and I on my computer and the computer kept me occupied for so long that when I realise I was going to be late, I got anxious. The result of being anxious? I FORGOT TO BRING MY TICKET?!!!! That was the dumbest thing I ever done! How can I go for drama night without a ticket? I realised that only when I'm about to reach toa payoh! I immediately called daddy and he's the BEST! He drove all the way back home to get it for me and rushed to school! I LOVE YOU DAD! So I met charmaine and chanapa, told them about the ticket thing and apologise for being late. According to chanapa, I was late for almost an hour! OMG, I'm so sorry:( Anyways, ate pizza hut and it was awesome! The pizza was so delicious! I LOVE IT! After that went to school and I was praying daddy will reach there soon and he did! We crossed the traffic light and I saw his car! I'm so HAPPY I tell you. Got my ticket and after that rushed to the hall, we were like 10 minutes late! I don't want to miss the show! Found tiffany and viviana, saw pet, lisa, diandra and shi pei too:) Watched the show and blah. Camwhore with charmaine and people and stuff:) Got home and packed my stuff for today's carnival:)NETBALL CARNIVAL Netball carnival was a blast today! Went to Kallang in the morning like 7.05?! No one was there except wendi:) I was kind of wendi's personal first aid girl-.- Put like so many plaster for her. But okay lar, quite fun:) Especially the ants plaster sponsered by jaime! haha:) Diandra was scared of the ants plaster!LOL. First game was horrible! We didnt have any pen! Lisa's pen got rejected by coach?! Than angela's pen NO ink?! haiyo,Got scolding by coach all because of that-.- Than coach in a super bad mood-.- I played about 4 games? Played C:) I love love playing C now:) Its much better than WA i realise:)Pet came at only 11 plus and she told lindsay and I some funny stuff she would want to do! haah:) Lindsay, pet, you knowit all!haah:) Pet, Kim, Kah hui and Alycia took part in the shooting competition and pet won!:) Nicely pet! The rest did well too! NICELY! We won champions too! NICELY EVERYONE!:) After that went to KFC to eat with angela, alycia, lindsay, wendi, petrina, lisa, kah hui and diandra :) we were all so HUNGRY! We didn't eat for like 9 hours?! Pet and angela bought like 8 peices of chicken?! They are so crazy:) haha:) Lisa, I think its me who pissed the aunty off, haha:) love you! and alycia too!:) Chatted and spend quality time together! I love having this kind of gathering:) When off earlier because daddy reached already:( Heard from pet, I miss alot of funny stuff:( But its okay, we'll have lunch or rather dinner together soon! I LOVE IJ NETBALLERS TO THE MAX! 6:11 AM ♥ talk about my life
Didn't go to the pole today because I need to fininsh my english. When I was trying to concentrate and do my work, MIN YEE had to speak so loudly and was laughing all the way! So annoying-.- MIN YEE you spoiled my day. But after that luckily the game we had during PE was nice and fun, that so called saved my day!:) Played some netball liked game?!We won!:) Had science and it was rather nice!:) Wei ting tried to strike a match and she failed like so many times! We took 3 boxes of matches! haha:) That was sure fun, in the end I think kaysie is the best! She did it the most number of times!:) I lit one too! haha:) I love science!! I shall go on to the lunch part!:) It was the best thing, lisa and pet came to class to look for me:) Than decided to ask ariaga to come along too:) So went to buy burger and bubble tea:) Was funny, pet and I was like erm, I don't know how to say-.- But it was sure nice!:)Ate and chatted, ariaga got to go for drama so she left first. After we ate, lisa just had to leave me there alone! LISA KOH! you say want to accompany me! Than you leave grace and another girl, can't remember her name:( So I went back to class and packed. Waited for mummy to come and fetch me. Went to some hawker centre to eat and went back home:) There's no homework today so decided to blog:) I want to go study physiology! Its so interesting:) Okay, I'll blog when I'm free:) LOVE YOU! I LOVE HAVING LUNCH WITH PETRINA AND LISA!<3333 Tuesday, July 8, 2008 @ 2:41 AM ♥ talk about my life