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♥ TWO TWO♥ ONE TWO ♥ COUNCIL ♥ IJ NETBALL ♥ DANIELLE ♥ PETRINA ♥ ANGELA ♥ AMANDA LOW ♥ KIMBERLY ♥ KAELA ♥ LYN ♥ KIMBERLY CHEW ♥ LISA +agnes +amabel +andrea goh +andrea koh +andreea +anne xue +alycia +ariaga +bernice +catalina +caitlin +callista +cezanne +chai ning +chelsey +cheryl teow +cheryl poh +christabel +christie yeo +christine +christine lee +clara tee +cynthia +daniel lee! +daphne +elizabeth tan +estee +estelle +esther +fang +felicia soh +gabrielle +guo fang +gwen seah +hazel +hui geok +hui yi +hui ying +isabel lau +joan +jochebel +joy chia +jia yan +jia ying +kah hui +karlyn +kathleen +keely +ke xuan +lesley! +li keng +ling yi +lydia +marrissa +mei shuen +melody +min en +natalie +nicole<3<3 +nina +ONE ONE +one three +one four +one five +one seven +one eight +pamela +qian hui +qian yan +qium +rachel w. +regina +ruth +ryan +sabrina +sandra +sarah +serene +shermin +sheryl seet +shi pei +shi yun shok teng +shu yi +sophia +susie +tessa +valerie +wei min +wei ting +wendi +wen jin +yi ting +yun ting |
I guess I won't know how to appreciate you untill you are gone:( I miss you lisa koh:(Like alot alot alot.. You have always been my best listener ever:))Any problems can all come to you:))But now you're gone:(I got no more listener:(But now I have my personal ONLINE CONSULTANT!:Dhaha:))For short my OC:D haha:))So how are you over there at bei jing?You say very cold is it?lols.Hope you don't freeze:)When you freezing,sms me I will warm you up:Dhaha:))Your party was awesome except for the girl-.-But yeah,it was funny:)Your beef not too bad huh!:)LOL Got improvements!yay!Clap hands for lisa:)Okay,I'm sure everyone is missing you terribly:(Come back soon lisa!I alreadt miss you when you went into the departure hall:(Make new friends there at bei jing and must learn to cook bei jing duck for me to eat,ok?All the best there and I'M MISSING YOU HERE:( VANESSA!:)<3 TEACHER'S DAY MASS/CELEBRATIONS Its finally over!Startign from thursday. We stayed back for rehearsal and putting up the deco till 8 plus plus at night!We only had a 20 mins dinner but all was worth it when teacher's day was a success well almost all..We met early in the morning at the hall for a final practice for the mass:)Everyone wants to make this the best:)People start to strm in and we had to hold the placards for them.Than mass started and blah blah..Father was funny:)lols.I did offerty:)I offered the markers and pens:)Than they used my bear too!:)haha:)Everything went well I guess:)I was so nervous when I'm walking.lols,can feel got alot of people staring at you-.-But everything went well:)Mrs matt say SHE LIKES OUR MASS AND PERFORMANCE!:DYAY!haha:))Than yeah concert..:)We kind of scwered up our gifts thing:(Than after the concert got report book.Than got GM.I'm in deco again-.-deco deco deco.. I'm bored of deco:(Never mind we can do it! GO DECO!lols.heh After GM went to pet's house because she never bring her clothes to change-.-lols Was funny at her house:)She slept like a pig actually not lah:)haha:)Than went to tp interchange to meet angela and kah hui:)Than we got lost.LOL HAHA:)But eventually still found the way lah:)haha:)Went there and yeah played swing!! Oooo,I love the swing:)HAHA:)bbq-ed adn stuff:)Went home with kah hui and angela:)Slept:)I enjoyed myself alot man!Thanks alot lisa for this so wonderful party:) TODAY:) Woke up at 5.14-.-than my alarm was 5.15-.-HAHA:)called angela to wake her up:)She woke up,AMAZINGLY:)haha:)But she sounded weird:)lols.Than I changed and stuff went to buy something to eat first before meeting angela.Angela arh never bring food to eat,never bring jacket to wear.Everything also take from me-.-haha:)retarded lah you:)haha:)Bus-ed 53 and we reached airport.Met rachel wong first and lisa is not even here yet-.-HAHA:)Than not long lisa reached:)yay!took pictures and stuff..Than departure hall:(The bad part:(Lisa is leaving:(Than after she went in I started missing her:(Sigh..Than ate breakfast with rachel w,angela and kim:)Talked and went home with angela!:DWe had a really goooood talk:)I would say THE BEST TALK EVER!:DAngela,we keep this a secret:)YAY!I bonded with angela alot alot:)I love angela ng!:Dhaha:)Than went home and I slept too:)HAHA:)I was tired..Than when I'm sill sleeping,pet sms me:)lols.That woke me up:)Talked to her and stuff:)Than after that went out to bugis junction:)SHOPPING!:D YAY!haha:)Than yeah, now home:)I'm going to sleep again:)I'm tireddd..I'll blog soon!:DLooking forward to monday!:DBye people and peace out!:) I MISS YOU LISA KOH:( Friday, August 29, 2008 @ 8:41 PM ♥ talk about my life
![]() ![]() HAHA:))OMG THE PICTURES ARE DAMN FUNNY!:D YOW! Today was quite okay:)Monday is slack day:)No maths:)ONLY day without maths than today no assembly-.-Than ms mazlind came..MATHS-.-I hate maths..She gave us some practice and yeah we did maths, some people never bring caculator than use handphone?!?!?!Weird..Than yeah,OH today we gave mrs tan the apology card!:D yay!haha:)She was quite happy I think:)I LOVE MRS TAN AYE LENG!:D haha:) I want her as form teacher next year leh:)haha:)Although she always take 2/1-.-Never mind so today had PW presentation:)Think we did quite well:))Go team!haha:)Than EP was slack too..Than HHF,goood got 5 sticks:)Recess is the funniest!min yee and charmaine damn funny:) MY:Do you think fangying is les?(talking to charmaine) C:High chances leh! MY:(starts laughing) FY:WHAT?! HAHA:)You peole arh! Don't know the true meaning of LOVE.LOL ahah:) LOVE YOU PEOPLE LAH,YOU MAKE MY LIFE SO COLOURFUL!:))haha:) After school got extra PW, fininsh off the other groups and ended.Charmaine's group was the funniest!WHO WILL COOK MAGGIE MEE FOR ME NOW?haha:)that was damn funny..haha:))I LOVE ONE/TWO MAN!IT ROCKS THE SCHOOL!:D HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! Oh, thanks yi ning for the pictures!:Dlove you!and petrina chia, i love you loads loads:)just too much!Always make my day/night!:D haha:)min yee and people too!:D loves! Ending here,peace out people!:D Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 6:20 AM ♥ talk about my life
YOW!yay:)things are changing for the better:)But there is still some that can't be changed like lisa leaving for china-.-But diandra and I are fine now:))yay!:Di love diandra:)So yesterday lunch with lisa was goood like I said but yeah things between them are still not good:( and I made it worst-.-i hate myself for that..Sorry,lisa.I made it worst:(Sigh..After the lunch went to watch meet dave:Dhaha:)It's damn hilarious i swear!:DHe drank tomato sauce and walk right into the cabinet!Dumb-.-haha:))But that made everyone laugh out loud!haha:))Thats about all for yesterday than today:)At home all along,fininshed maths homework already:)OH yay!All thanks to hui ying and viviana:))thanks!:DThan nothing really,had a good talk with diandra:))heh than helped kathleen do her links becuase they weren't working.I fixed it!FANGYING ROCK!haha:))Oh,there are good things that heppened and there are also bad things that happened..I went to sarah's blog just now and I saw a tag on the tagboard that said this:you lyke fang Ying? yuck i hate her.. I was like :O , right. I found someone who hates me.WOW,YAY?haha:))I didn't really get affected by her/his words though:)haha:))She/He wasn't someone I know or rather she didn't leave his/her name so yeah I don't know who on earth is that person.lols So don't care,you want to hate me I also cannot stop you so be that way:)LOL I learnt this from lisa,not to take things too hard:)Like who cares?There is people in the world that loves me alot:)Thanks hui ying for being there just now to hear me tell you this:)So,you want to hate me?Hate me luh.I don't care:)LOL Oh, I still have not fininsh writting letters yet:O I got to go now:)School tomorrow,see you people then:) Bye and peace out people!:D love you always! Sunday, August 24, 2008 @ 6:27 AM ♥ talk about my life
I'M SORRY,LISA:( I'M THE CAUSE OF EVERYTHING.. Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 7:29 PM ♥ talk about my life
Can you even see the words?!?! Group picture with anabel and rachel!:))I had loads of fun with you two!ily Rachel very retarded lah!:)haha:)love youuu! wowow!its been a long time since I last poseted.I'm busy these few days with school work,stuff like that.Right,beginning of the week,problems arise:(Problem here,problem there:(Sigh.. but glad its all SOLVED!:Dhaha:)Must thank lisa koh for always being my listening ear:Dhaha:)So,this week can't really remember what I did..lols. Last training for the season:DOh,it was goood!:DI think I would kind of miss training:( No training=never meet netballers=:( So last training we did voting at the end of training-.- Supposed to be start of training one luh.Than ms champion came and talk about how we should vote and stuff like that,blah blah..Than voted:)Results will be announced on tuesday:) After training went to buy bubble tea with lisa,pet,sheryl:DI think so..Than lisa cried,not because she is sad but because she purposely want to-.-haha:)silly lah she.. So anyway,than went back and we talked and chatted with wendi,shipei,lindsay,alycia and people:)Than yeah,started to rain so I went to help wrap the box:)I wrapped one box in 20 mins-.-haha:)That was slow..lols Went back home and stuff,yeah.Thats all I remember.. Yesterday/Friday Normal day I guess,mrs lee tan never come again-.-Than that dunno what teacher came in-.-I don't really like her-.-So we did some questions in the workbook.Quite okay lah than anne marie never bring her notes again-.-haha:))She was in a good mood she say,so we chatted and crapped:)lols,we were saying the same thing at the same time and we were like jinxing each other:)lols,funny:)Than did apology card for mrs tan:)ONE TWO-IANS I NEED YOU ALL TO SIGN! Yeah,than CME:)No more ms wong:(aww..I like ms wong:D She is niceeee!:D Now CME is ms ng?!She is quite nice actually:)Let us watch movie:)titans:)its nice:)After that is maths-.-ms mazlind again..Than art-.-mrs zailee was in a pissy mood-.-keep on scolding us luh:(Hmm..Next was lunch,right.Went to class and I saw pet,lisa and yi ning walking off so called them and they want me to meet them at 7-11-.-I actually didn't want to go becuase they are going to central to eat and I need to come back to school after that for deco-.-So lisa called and I told her I don't want to go already lah than she told me something that made me changed my mind:(So met them at 7-11-.-Than saw this yi ning person who has the same name as my senior-.-I still LOVE YI NING(my senior not the ij one-.-)She is like the best senoir ever(clarice maybe second:))i love her man!:)ilove clarice too!:D So yeah,than went to central and pet wanted subway than macs than in the end finally decided burger king:)haha:)That reminds me of charmaine-.-Pangseh me again-.-Go buy food never wait for me-.-than say will wait for me in school to study with me than she went home-.-charmaine you owe me 2 study dates now:D haha:)So ate at burger king and it was retarded:)LOL,yi ning ordered the wrong thing for pet and stuff than yeah.Chatted and I was like a noob stoning there-.-Nothing to say one-.-Than after eating pet and yi ning go popular so lisa and I went to subway to buy cookie:))yay! Than I saw felicia:)Aww,don't be sad already:))CHEER UP!:D After that went back to school and yeah.Saw the deco people painting but no brush so I never really help..:( Sorry..So after that saw rachel and anabel so went to join them:)I helped anabel drew her art luh!Its so nice:)Better thank me anabel the bobo!:)haha:)Than after that played netball:)GREAT! I can still shoot!Some more can alsi shoot back facing the pole!:D heh. Than after that bubble tea:)Than camwhore and go home:))Daddy fetched me becuase its raining:)YAY! Went home and I watched ghost whisperer:)Its damn nice lah!:D I love it man:))Must watch people!:)That kind of about it:)Bye people and peace out!:) Friday, August 22, 2008 @ 8:20 PM ♥ talk about my life
Okay,diandra.I know I'm really a bad friend:(I shouldn't have done that and hurt you:(I'm really really SORRY!:(I hope we can be like last time like that..I really love the times when we buy bubble tea together and after training stuff..I miss all that:(Today you didn't even really like talk to me:(I was damn SAD:(I regret doing that to you:(Like really REGRET..I don't want to lose such a good friend like you..I can't afford and I really love you alot and alot:)Will you please forgive me?pleaseeee??I love you bubble tea partner!:))EXTRA EXTRA SWEET!:D DIANDRA,I'M SORRY AND I LOVE YOU JUST TOO MUCH!<3 This is a special dedication to LISA KOH:) Okay,the time we know each other isn't really very long but its amazing how we got so close to each other in less than a month.I really hate the fact that I just got close to you and you are leaving for china in less than a week or so:(I'm really sad know:(Today's like the last training with you..but luckily I was in your group:))hehe..Than last training can be in your group so honoured:)haha:)I really want to thank you for always being my listening ear when I'm sad or troubled:)I spent alot of nice and fun times with you and I will never forget them..You don't go can?I want you to stay in singapore leh!Here got me leh and your beloved:)haha:)Anyways,I'll definately cry at your party..Like wail and bawl.lols HAHA:)After you go to china cannot forget me hor!Must talk to me on msn everyday,unless I not online.lols Feature me on friendster can? I ask you how long already?!haha:)you still owe me letter leh.Must give me before you leave:))I LOVE YOU LISA KOH AND ITS A FACT that will never change:)All the best while you are there and never you dare forget me and the team!We will be here waiting for you to visit us!:) LISA KOH,ALL THE BEST AND I LOVE YOU! Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 5:59 AM ♥ talk about my life
This is a dedication to you!:)haha:)I know you have been waiting for this day to come:)lols Anyways,I have known you since the first day of school?haha:)Affinity have brought us this friendship and I really treasure it alot:)Still remember,we know each other through kim:)You were looking at the council board and than I was with kim than after that you two saw each other than yeah,thats we know each other,right?lols That was funny:)Than we were like in the same class than same CCA than now council:)haha:)That was our dream/aim:)haha:)I'm looking forward to lots of fun-filled time with you!:)Thanks for always being there and pangSEHing me!lols.HAHA:)I LOVE YOU DARLING!:D My darling Isabel:)haha:)This is a special dedication for you!:)So,we have known each other since the beginning of the year?I still remember you used to think that charmaine and I were sisters:)haha:)Next,you wanted me to be the class chair.LOLhaha:))Although the time we spent together is not consider as very long but I must say,you are one of my closest friend in IJ:)Always,lending me your helping hand when I needed your help,lending me your listening ear when I needed one.. Always supporting me in one way or another.I'm assuring you that you will NOT get hfm.So don't worry,okay?GOD WILL BLESS YOU!:)I need to tell you something,I LOVE YOU!:) Hello my dearest sheryl!:)Okay,this is like the second dedication I made to you, so be honoured!:DHAHA:))Okay,I know these few days I'm not really very nice to you..Like,I think we don't really talk that much like last time..:(The picture^^^^^ [we took after the study date]makes me feel very happy as I remember the fun(ny) things we did together:DI know today you was very upset about the AEP thing(i think) and I wasn't even really there for you:(I felt kind of bad actually:(I was kind of thinking you already have sarah they all,so I guess you didn't really need me..I don't want to fight with you.I don't want us to become enemies and be friends no more:( I hope you really understand.Anyways,cheer up!:)and you know I LOVE YOU ALOT:))
This is to all my darlings; (min yee,ashley,charmaine,isabel,maxene,sarah,nicolette,shuli,bernice..etc.)
Thursday/training I can't really remember what happened on thursday,other than training.. So, training that day was quite ok:))haha:))So we ran like 1.2:)I came back in 5.33 mins:)I think was ok lah(i ran faster than shi pei!:))haha:)Sorry,I'm super happy when I can beat shi pei but she always run faster than me during 2.4-.-So actually no different.Kim is finally back! So yeah,did the five hopping drills with kim(my best pitter patter partner),lindsay:))(my same height partner!:D),wendi(funny funny senior),kah hui(my "mentor")lols and tessa(my fellow hate qwerty partner!:D)lols,did the drills and stuff was kind of enjoyable actually:)haha:))So,after that we had game:))Coach grouped us in groups and I'm with jaime,shipei,vanessa,rahel,cezanne,sherwynn,alycia and I forgot who.. So played game first and we won overall I think:)haha:))AWESOME!:DThan after that went to buy bb tea with lisa,pet,alycia,kim:))Than chatted and bonded:)After that went home and worked on my art until want to die already-.-haha:)I was damn tired.. FRIDAY! haha this is like today but anyways,got like art!:( So today I went to school in the morning and did some painting and I got myself alot of spectators:)lols,all looking at me painting:)lols,so today no assembly so stayed in class and got pledgeand stuff than anne marie got scolded by ms teo peng suan?!haha:)she never put her hands by the side for the netional anthem-.-anne marie just came back from mass,thats why.Btw,had lessons and chinese was quite nice:)lao shi is like so nice lah,she actually let me do my art during lesson!:)But I still got listen one,okay.haha:)Than got history?than recessed and stuff.. After school went to eat subway with charmaine:)(my bestest friend!:D)ahah:)charmaine was retarded lah,haha:)Sms me when I'm like only 5-10 metres away?haha:)love you lah!Supposed to eat with bernice,shu li,melody,jane and wei ting but they went to eat food court instead-.-pangSEH me and charmaine:(Anyways,saw pet on the way and she was like so retarded lah-.-Never even see me lah!Than I shouted her name so loudly she still continue talking to her friends-.-Than after that at subway,met lisa and jaime:)haha:)Than lisa and I was practically getting the same message from pet:)lols:)I was actually supposed to ignore lisa because I'm still angry at her for not hugging me instead of diandra and sheryl-.- But I also dunno why I just forgot and still talked to her?!-.-After that bernice they all came and find us and we went back to class.Than 3 people cried:( I comforted 2:)But the last one.. Anyways,isabel don't worry,okay? You WONT get HFM:))So chill:)Than gaby,its okay:)iloveyou,weirdo friend!:Dhaha:)Than after that got songs from felicia,thanks!Than got the problem base test and yeah.Melody,clarissa and maxene:) was in my group and supposed to like make a boat from aluminium foil,rubber bands and masking tape to hold as many weights as possible. than we managed to put like 25 weights!:))haha:)WELL DONE PEOPLE!:)I'm like tired of blogging so I'm stopping here.Got flag day tomorrow and stuff.Peace out people:))haha:)) Friday, August 15, 2008 @ 5:46 AM ♥ talk about my life
LUNCH/TRAINING:D Oh my, I never blog for like 2 days?!Got loads of thing to blog about!:D Firstly is the lunch on monday!:D It was the best!Had lunch withShi pei,lisa,ariaga and pet:)So meet everyone at tp mrt at 1 and miss petrina was reminding us not to be late and she came the last-.-Than after that went to orchard and ate pepper lunch!:))Pet and ari so noob lah!Pet was like having a hard time cutting that beef and ari used chopstick to eat spaghetti-.- After we fininsh eating pet spotted the fork and shi pei spotted the knife-.-LOL They two damn noob lah-.-hahaha:))Okay, here comes the part where I'm like so dumb-.-Shi pei was like so do we go stadium(shop) now?Than I was like its only 2.30 you want to go stadium(tp stadium)?! Than everyone was like the shop stadium lah! Than I was ohhhh!hahha:))I made everyone laughed okay?! haha:)) After that its shi pei's turn to be noob head!:)haha:) She don't even know what is borders?!Took this from lisa's blog: S: WHAT'S BORDERS?!?!? F: A BOOKSTORE LA S: WHERE?!?!?! L: Next to wisma! At wheelock place! S: HUH WHAT WHEELOCK PLACE! L: BORDERS IS AT WHEELOCK PLACE! S: SO BORDERS IS A BUILDING?!?!?! L: ITS A BOOKSTORE BUILDING. S: HUH SO IS IT A BOOKSTORE OR A BUILDING?!?!?!?! L&F: BOTH! Its a bookstore in a building but because it's the biggest shop there everyone calls the building Borders! S: THEN YOU TELL ME WHAT WHEELOCK PLACE! L: WHEELOCK PLACE IS THE BUILDING ITS IN LA! S: Oh... so where's wheelock place? L: NEXT TO WISMA!!!!! haha:) Shi pei damn funny lah!:D So we went to starbucks and drank coffee.I shared cheese cake with pet and drink with ari!:D haha:) Chatted and talked about guys and stuff:)LOL Than after that I kind of hinted them I wanted to take neoprints:)haha:))They got it quite fast!:))haha:))So we walked to cini and yeah we talked and lisa got sms from her father that she is leaving on like 31 august?!Like how can suddenly go like that?!I was sad luh,so was shi pei:(Like hello,I just recently got close to dumb lisa koh and now she is leaving for china?!?!?!I'm so going to cry:(Anyways,went to cini and took neoprints!:D haha:)Was retarded but FUN! Than I pushed pet and got a super retard picture of her!:))haha:)Sorry pet!haha:)) So,after neoprints,went to buy earings with lisa!:D haha:)She said I like butterflies alot but I don't remember having any butterfly earings till monday! I bought one pair!:))hehe.. Very nice one luh!:D After that meet the rest at burger king they were kind of tired-.-Than after that chatted and bonded!:D Camwhored!:))haha:))Than after that, need to help pet to solve her problem and stuff.. Than ari left early and stuff than went home with shi pei and went to j8:))Buy bubble tea!:D My favourite!Went home and slept,very tired..But this was the best lunch ever!:) Today had training and stuff.. Kim never come, sheryl got aep than who I partner?! Charmaine!:D haha:))with ashwani-.- So we did the circuit thing first, was okay lah. Than netball thingy at the steps than medcine ball drills.. Than the 5 thingy-.- Need to do like extra because last training never get to fininsh it.. So ashwani was really pissing me off-.-Than did the triangle with charmaine superrrr fasttt!:D haha:)Cool luh, never redo at all!:Dcharmaine is good!haha:))Than yeah did most stuff with marie and danielle!haha:))ilove marie the retard!:))haha,damn funny with her lah!love you marie chua!:DThan yeah,fininshed the things inside cause it rained..After training I remebered like need to help with the deco comm! Than went to council room and ask if they need help and I realise they were the gifts comm!Than they were like yes yes!Than I was like pulling shi pei with me!:)haha:)I want her to help also:)hehe. So yeah blah blah than bought bb tea with diandra:))haha , than went back and stuff:)I love diandra loads loads!:)my darlingggg! haha,clarice too!:D oh and pet!:D I won't forget lisa!hehe:))love you ppl loads loads and my honey min yee and ppl..!:)Need to stay back tomorrow for deco. Hmm,need to go now. I'm tiredddd..zzZ love you people!peace out!:)) Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @ 5:54 AM ♥ talk about my life
OLYMPICS!!!Yesterday watched a little of the olympics games:)) The gym is so cool! They can just swing here swing there and do lots of cool things on the high bar! I want to be like them too!hahaha:)) Monday,10 am, got badminton, Singapore VS malaysia!haha:) I want to watch!:))Tomorrow lunch with pet,ari and shi pei:))I'm going to miss PW and I need to like do all the analysis and speech and everything!:(Sigh.. Anyways,yesterday watched Journey To The Centre of the Earth:)It was gooooooooood!:D Quite touching and at the same time funny!:)haha:)Damn sad, especially the part where sean flown away with that giant kite:(Need to do alot of things now, so I shall not talk more:)Will blog about tomorrow:))Bye and peace out! Sunday, August 10, 2008 @ 12:18 AM ♥ talk about my life
DIANDRA:D This post is specially dedicated for my best bubble tea friend!:))haha:))Okay,I realise I don't even have a photo with diandra alone!Must take one soon!I known you for like less than a year but it seems that I have known you for the longest time ever!I can always count on you when I'm sad:))You are always there for me and I love the times when we have lunch together,training together,bubble tea together and study date!I love study dates with you,babe!haha:)Although you spent more of your time sms-ing!haha:)But it was really fun with you:)At first last time I though you wasn't that nice but now I think you are the BEST!:))I'm looking forward to the next study date with you!:)Oh and your letter!Its coming up soon!Promise by monday,I pass to you!I still don't know how to fold the heart thing-.-lols I LOVE YOU,DIANDRA CHUA!<3 Friday, August 8, 2008 @ 2:23 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATION!:) I realise I haven posted the photos we took in the recording room!:)hahas:)Here are them,enjoy! Today was cool!:)) Woke up and I wore a white shirt and bums?! Than wore pinofore over than i felt so weird becuase like can see the bums so I was like folding them up than after that decided to just wear fbts first lah than go school change:)So went to school and meet pet go council room:) Than we were like late-.-Than fininsh briefing already:( Than rescue came!hahas:) Amanda told us everything again:) haha, amanda is sooooo nice!!:D haha:) So, I'm like in charge of 1/2!:)YAY!:) So took the placards and went back to class to get my diary and stuff:) Than went to parade square to stand by:)So people came and charmaine was like taking the 1/3 placard so nicolette and people was like charmaine you 1/3 arh?! ahah:)So started assembly and the red cross and girl guides were doing some march and stuff than after that councillors need to run up to the hall to stand by again and we ran!:) ahaha:)Than took our places and stuff than mass started and we sat at the back.Mrs nicks's son is so cuteeeeeee!haha:)Than after mass was mass dance!:)We did well!:)) Than got break 30 minutes than go up hall and watch concert:)The video was so funny!'The kick" was cool and good!So cool! Than got some sing along, gym and indian dance.The gym thingy was cool too!So nice lah!I want to learn!:)After the concert ms jo teo scolded us-.- Not really us but 1/4 which already left-.- Say no eating in class blah blah..But actually you are ot supposed to eat in class:)Anyways, after that went to j8 with ashley:)haha:) We took 59 and on the way to j8 the chain thingy was on it was like so long lah! While the bus pass by them they were like cheering!So enthu lah!:)haha:) So went to j8 than we shopped and shopped also don't know want to buy what for shermin-.-Anyways,called charmaine and asked her to buy since she is like at plaza sing!Never ask me go:( Pangseh me:( Lucky I got ashley!:)iloveyou!Than yeah went to eat and actually decide to eat mos burger than no seat-.- So went to pastamania:)Gooood! But I can't fininsh it!:(After that shopped around for a while and went home:)Took 53 and home-d:)I'm kinda tired now.. Feel like sleeping zzZ.. haha:)blog again, bye and peace out!:))iloveyouallloadsloads 12:25 AM ♥ talk about my life