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I need: ♥ A stronger relationship with Jesus! ♥ Do well in Sec 3 ♥ Go back to SHANGHAI. ♥ My friends and family to be under God's grace! ♥ to learn to let go and let God. Archives
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HELLO! okay, my blog has been dead for more than a week! haha:) sorry, i was too busy studying in school to blog:(LOLS. This week ther's english and higher chinese paper. My higher chinese suck:( I didn't even finish the paper and hao lao shi still say it will be easy-.-wth, I even cried that day?!WOW, first time ever i cried because of a paper!Some more its higher chinese-.- Omg, I'm such a failure.. Min yee, anabel and ppl cried too!haha:)We can all cry together!But thanks wei ting,jane and bernice who tried to cheer me up!:Dthanks! Although, I end up crying and laughing!haha:))Stupid charmaine, all she know is call people for help-.-Don't know how to console me one:X Than when bernice talk to me than she want to laugh! wth!TAN CHARMAINE WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU?!haha:))lols. joking luh.Than went to burger king to eat, quite emo there.lols:D Than I decided to go home, I got no mood to study in school:( Went to bishan and 53-ed home.. I was quite emo..lols. Than I decided to sms and find people to cheer me up:)lols, first one I thought of was my sister, CLARICE!:D HAHA:)) She replied me than i never reply.. I also don't know why. But thanks,sis,love you:D Than sms hui geok:D Than she reply me I also never reply than continued emoing.. Than she sms me again:D Than after talking to her, felt better:DThanks,hui geok!:DLOVE YOU! and you better not forget me when you leave IJ:D Oh, wednesday! Meeting with auntie linda or rather auntie LAURA! haha:D Shi pei damn funny! We went to the general office than she was like good afternoon is auntie LAURA there? Than the idk who was like you good afternoon to who? cat or dog? GOOD AFTERNOON TEACHERS!HAHA:) Than shi pei was like, GOOOD MORNING TEEEEEEEEECHEEEEEEERRRRRRS!HAHA:))omg,damn funny! Than the idk who was like AUNTIE LAURAAA! But after that realise there isn't a auntie laura, SHI PEI make up herself!haha:) well done,shi pei!lols,had a good laugh! Than after that realise its auntie linda!lols, she went out for errand , so we went back to the canteen to study awhile than went back to check and she is still not back yet. Than continue study again, went back to check and finally she is back! Than after that realise we are supposed to meet ms yuen instead of her! HAHA:)what a joke in the end! Than ms yuen was busy so we talked to auntie linda instead:D TALKED about alto of things according to shi pei, half the time we are not talking about the school diary!haha:) WE TALKED FOR 40 MINS! wow, how long! than shi pei and my neck pain!haha:) But it was funny!:D After that continue studying with pet and shi pei:D Than anabel came to join us!:D yay! I got loads of info from anabel and she got some from me!:Dhha:)I'm going to study with her again!:Dyay! oh and pet too:D LISA KOH YI WEN IS BACKKKK!WOOOOOOOOOOOO!YAY, LISA SEE YOU TOMORROW!OMG.I MISS YOU SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, CAMWHORE WITH YOU!:D EAT ICHIBAN AGAIN!:DHAHA:)I'M EXCITEDDDDD! AND STUDY DATE WITH PET:D AND HUI GEOK I KNOW I STILL OWE YOU BIG LONG HUG!:D HAHA:)) OKAY,PEOPLE I'LL BLOG SOON AGAIN!LOVES! I LOVE LISA KOH YI WEN! I LOVE HUI GEOK! I LOVE MY SISTER,CLARICE! I LOVE PET! Saturday, September 27, 2008 @ 7:31 PM ♥ talk about my life
lisa koh!come back faster, i miss you!:D hey! i'm here to revive my dead blog.haha:)This week wasn't really a good week i guess, I emo-ed 3 days out of 5 days in school according to anne marie.lols. She say she like me to emo because when I emo, we can talk and communicate better:)LOL.But I must really thank anne marie for being my listening ear:)Thanks for giving me those great advice:))Okay,this week really sucked except the run I had with my sis,CLARICE!:D,lunch and study date with,DIANDRA:D,talk in the morning with,PET:D and p6 parents talk with the JUNIOR COUNCILLORS!:Dyay! these are the people who make my day!MIN YEE also:))My honey who always hears me out:)Okay,people not going to really blog because EOYs coming!omgomg,need to study already!KIMCHEW,I need you to study with me!:DHAHA:)Now that invest is over, we don't need to stay back anymore and I feel weird now not staying back.. I miss those times when all of us stay till so late in school!:D Especially that day when we hung the "lanterns" together:DYesterday,helped out for the p6 parents talk:DQuite fun leh!Fariha and I make the perfect door girls!HAHAHA:))YAY!Don't believe ask pet and the others!We very good luh!:D HAHA:)and charmaine and I was damn fascinated/shocked/freaked out by AHEM AND HIS VOICE!:Olols.Well thats kind of all,the rest I can't really remember:(haha:)Okay,I'll blog soon again!:D times have changed and so have you.. you know sometimes you just pissed me off.. its just that look that makes me stay away from you.. you know how much i want things between us to get better? i bet you don't even care its no longer the same already.. Friday, September 19, 2008 @ 10:59 PM ♥ talk about my life
A. Annoying- HER B. Boring- Um, I don't know.. C. Cute- Marilyn!small business women! D.Diligent- Charmaine,Sheryl seet! E. Evil- I practically call everyone evil!lols:D F. Funny- KIM CHEW, MIN YEE,ASHLEY,CHRISTIE,AMANDA,KRYSTLE,SHERMIN:D G. Goodlooking- EVERYONE! like you and you and YOU! H. Hyper- MIN YEE!(when she sees guys!) I. Intelligent- Charmaine,KIMCHEW,nicolette! J. Jolly- Clarice!:D K. Kiddy- MY SISTER!CLARICEEEE! L. LameDisabled- Don't know. M. MeticulousPeople- ANNE MARIE! KANDA!lols N. Nosey- Hmmm.idk. O. Optimistic- KIMCHEW!wood blocks!BERNICE! P. PlayfulHehhhh, idk.. Q. QuarrelsomeHaha, some people. R. Reliable- MIN YEE,CHARMAINE,ISABEL,KIMCHEW,PET,CLARICE,ANGELA,LISA S. SexyAhhh, my friends yo! T. Trustworthy- CHARMAINE,KIMCHEW,LISA,ANGELA,PET,CLARICE U. UntrustworthyHmm. V. VulgarHAHAHA. X. XenephobicI don't know what does this means. Y. YappyI don't know. Peopleee. :D Z. ZannyWhat's that? People tagged to do this quiz : -LISA! -CLARICE! -PET! -AMANDA! Saturday, September 13, 2008 @ 3:35 AM ♥ talk about my life
Hello!Wow! I see alot of people very excited to see my post!Good good,I shall blog and not let my blog become dead..I'm very busy with invest stuff these past 2 weeks.So didn't update my blog,sorry about that!Okay,so the topic today is INVESTITURE!Yay!It was a blast man!haha:))Whole council plus CCA leaders have been working till late to make this investiture possible:)Gifts crew made the super nice programme booklets,gifts for the other school guest:D DECO crew, did the lanterns,banners,ribbons and stuff!:D I'm so happy we made it!:Dyay!Than Performance crew(P crew):D Came up with the best performance ever!:)Kept everyone at the investiture very entertained:)yay!And not forgetting the mass and reception crew that helped too!Yesterday after school,went to the hall to put our bag.Went to the canteen and saw amanda:)My savior!I was like having flu,damn sick lah!Than she gave me panadol!YaY!All thanks to that panadol!love you amanda!Than started deco and stuff.Final rehearsal with everything and after that we need to change!Everyone was panicking!lolsHAHA:)) Need to wear,blouse(freaking big!),skirt(damn high!),Stockings,Tie(i don't know how to tie!-.-)court shoes!(leg pain!:()OH,thanks alot agnes for helping me tie my tie!:)and i don't know who,who helped me make my tie:)loves!That's the IJ spirit!:DThan assembly at the AVA room!Waited for guest to come and ACSI came late!-.-haha:)So janet and I was like panicking!lols,but we were like nevermiind,start mass already.So, we went back to our seats:)Than started mass and stuff:)Than everything as usual:)I was so nervous when we need to go up to the stage and stuff:(Damn scary!:0haha:)Amanda's sister keep on taking pictures!haha:)Than after that blah blah..Than P crew!YAY!It was the best man!Everyone was so entertained!:Dhaha:)Than after that reception and hosting!We found the ACSI people!Only got 2!Than brought david? to the PA room to put their bags:)Than stuff like that..Ate at the open space infront of 1/2 classroom!:)Talked and chatted..Than after that I went to join charmaine,emily with the st andrews guys:)lols,they more fun than the ACSI one luh!The ACSI people don't talk one!haha:)Than went around the schools with st andrews:)Had fun!:DThan after all the hosting,finally everything ended and stuff:)WOW,I was so tired then.. Charmaine,Kim and I practically just took out our shoes and ran off!lol!haha:)Than debrief and stuff:)Ate cake! HAPPY BIRTHDAY VENETIA!:DThan we bath and stuff and we SUCCESFULLY SHOOED THE SEC 2s OUT OF 2/2!HAHA:))yay! sec 1 councillors rock!I also don't know why I so happy about that-.-Than we had some supper and stuff:)Played one round of taiti?I lost-.-i don't even know how to play,haha:)Than camwhore!after that is zzzZ time!haha:)Woke up the next day at like 6.30?Woke up by the super bright lights!:(But after that we had our breakfast at macs!:DYAY! We shared umbrella and my umbrella broke-.-haha:)I was like shaking it and than it broke-.-Poor quality one luh!haha:)After the breakfast,cleared all the things and stuff:)Than pack our bag and met at the canteen:)Had final debrief and gave out the badges!:)It was damn cool lah!HAHA:))Than after that stayed in school for a while. Need to wait for daddy to come and fetch me:)Than I wrote two letters with christie!:Dyay!Than after that went home and ate lunch:)Thats kind of all..Ended the day:)OH,gen gen so funny lah!Everytime see me must FANG FANG!haha:)GENEIEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!HAHA:) Next will be tag replies! Ari: HAHA:)maybe I really don't know you that well but yeah,i love you too! Angela: HAHA:)I just updated my blog!:D Hui Ying: Hello!yeah,so long never tag me already!haha:)I LOVE YOU TOO! Christabel: haha:)It's easy?wow!you know me quite well leh!lols Estelle: HELLO!:D Kim: haha:)I posted already!Go grab:)love you,KIMCHEW!:D Lisa: yay!Lisa finally tagged me!haha:))I updated already lah,very busy mah!14 more days! I MISS YOU LISA KOH! I'm going to stop here!See you people soon!I'm going to study already!:DBye and peace out yow! 12:41 AM ♥ talk about my life
Dinner was gooood!I was damn hungry!haha:) Than came online and lisa is online!yay!haha:))Talked and chatted alot with lisa koh!:))yay!i love lisa koh yi wen!She is just the best!:DI learnt a super important lesson from her!:)) ITS NOT WORTH CARING SO MUCH ABOUT HOW PEOPLE THINK ABOUT YOU. WHATS THE POINT TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE LIKE YOU?LIFE IS LIKE THAT,ITS IMPOSSIBLE FOR EVERYONE TO THINK WELL OF YOU AND NOT TALK BAD ABOUT YOU BEHIND YOUR BACK.EVERYONE'S NOT PERFECT,SO WHY WASTE SO MUCH EFFORT CHANGING ALL THESE FACTS? YOU WILL JUST GET SICK AND TIRED OF IT.YOU CAN'T CONTROL HOW PEOPLE THINK ABOUT YOU AND WHY BOTHER?JUST TREASURE THOSE THAT TRULY CARES ABOUT YOU AND THE REST OF THE PEOPLE,DON'T BOTHER ABOUT THEM.I DON'T WANT TO LIVE LIFE FOR OTHERS, I WANT TO LIVE LIFE FOR MYSELF! Thanks lisa for this so inspiring conversation,maybe one day I'll just go to china and join you too!Than I won't need to worry about all these kind of things and like you, leave all of them behind and start afresh!I need to stop being such a perfectionist. I can't expect everyone to like me, its not important anyway.Lisa koh, I learnt a whole lot from you!I love you and miss you so much!Come back soon, my OC!haha:))I'll blog soon,people!peace out!:) I LOVE KIM CHEW(my cool study partner) LISA KOH YI WEN( my OC) Wednesday, September 3, 2008 @ 7:18 AM ♥ talk about my life
I LOVE ANGELA(HIGHNESS):D<3 PET(BEGGER):D<3 LINDSAY(SAME HEIGHT AND STUDY PARTNER):D<3 Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 7:50 AM ♥ talk about my life