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I need: ♥ A stronger relationship with Jesus! ♥ Do well in Sec 3 ♥ Go back to SHANGHAI. ♥ My friends and family to be under God's grace! ♥ to learn to let go and let God. Archives
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![]() THIS IS A DEDICATION POST TO MY HUNNAYE:) she may be super unglam all/most of the times and get really jealous all the time but I LOVE HER:D haha:)Bet you are over the moon now:)But I meant what I say:) O levels are tough and I know you've been studying really hard. I believe you can do well and stop losing confidence in yourself!I don't like it when you keep saying you flunk your paper and what careless mistake and what A1s GONE!Like have some faith!SAY YOU CAN DO IT AND WILL GET A1S! Be positive!:D If you are troubled and all and you need a listening ear, call me,text me, I promise to be there for you:)GO ALL THE WAY! FININSH UP ALL THE PAPERS AND ONE DAY WE CAN TALK TILL WE DROP:Dgossip session with val,pet and peck again:Dlove you and have faith!:D fangying:) Friday, October 31, 2008 @ 8:50 PM ♥ talk about my life
![]() Went back to school today and I kind of miss the 1/2 classroom:( I can't believe 1 year has gone by so fast!:O I'm going to be sec 2 next year and sec 2 means streaming!:(:( I want to be a sec 1 forever:Dhaha:) I want to have sec 1 orientation ever year:Dhaha:) I don't want to grow up sometimes:)haha:)Its so good to be young and innocent!:D All kids do, all day is play,eat and sleep:D Isn't life supposed to be enjoyed? But I think people spent most of the time worrying about this and that. I'm one of them too. I worry about studies,I worry about friendship problems, I worry about netball. I worry about so many things! haha:) But friends that care about me keeps me going and happy:) Training today was quite tiring, the warm up was fun but tiring:) I think we look like monkeys!lols:) Triangle was the worst of all:( I got no idea what got into me:X Got so emotion and all when I kept re-doing my triangle. NEO FANG YING, SNAP OUT OF IT NOWWW! Its no use being in a self-pity state. It doesn't help at all. haha:) I kind of got that from angela:)haha:)thanks alot alot alot,ange:D So qi zhi went for training today and it was kinda fun:DGuess what! All the three groups tied!:O It will all depend on friday's training!:)GO LINDSAY'S TEAM!HAHA:)WE CAN DO IT:) Alot of things happen today and I guess I can just be that listening ear. You people just remember i'm just a phone call away:D Ring me if you need me:)Thanks,hunnaye for the letter:) I appreciate it alot:Dlove you people!:)Next is tag replies:) Karlyn: hey! long time no see:( i miss you people! Angela: I where got insult you!haha:)your picture where got nicer?!haha:)you still owe me a post eh!HAHA:)I will watch out, I don't want to land in the hospital! you wath out too! I BOX YOU!HAHA:)thanks alot todayy:)love you loads toooo:D:D;D Sheryl: HAHA:)thank you,sheryl!:D yeah,your photographic skills very good:D Isabel: hello, my dearest isabel:D haha:) I MISS YOUU!:( Lisa: haha:)only for pet eh!:( Not for me ah?haha:) why only 2 weeks?lol I want to have ichiban with you leh:( THANKS ANGELAA:D for getting me out of that self-pity state:)love you! Wednesday, October 29, 2008 @ 6:34 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY ANGELAA:D I know its abit late to wish you happy birthday but blogger locked me out and I can't blog till today! Okay,so angela's birthday was AWESOME!So that day, met diandra and sheryl to get angela's present;)The big rabbit:DThe ears were damn looooooooong. Made diandra carried it all the way:)Waited for lindsay for 30 mins! 6 trains knoww!HAHA:)So met lindsay and went to summerset mrt to meet the 2 idiots waiting there facing the wall:Dhaha:)pet and kah hui!lols:) After that went to cine to get the tickets for HSM3! Ate BK with lindsay,kah hui,pet,diandra and sheryl:)So on my way I was messaging angela and I lied to her that I was grounded and couldn't meet her:)HAHA:)She fell for my trick luh! I bet she was damn sad when I told her I can't go:( haha:)I swear sometimes angela can be quite stupid:)After that went to arcade to 'hide' while pet covers her eyes:Dhaha:)AND suprise! Everyone came out and angela was I thought you couldn't come?!?!HAHA:)Gave her the present and I bet she liked it alot:D Went into the cinema with angela,pet and kah hui first while the reat went to buy popcorn and drinks:)After that kah hui and pet dissapeared too.So left with me and angela:)LOL She still didn't know the SECOND SUPRISE WE HAD FOR HER:phaha:)Thats why I said angela is stupid at times but at the correct time:Dhaha:)Watched HSM3 and we got free entertainment from a group of ang mor people:Ohaha:)They were dancing and singing and yeah we got amused:)haha:)Pet was dropping/breaking her candy cane all the way-.-haha:)loser lah she!lol,joking luh:D HSM3 is okay I would say:)Pet/Alycia was damn into zac efon-.-haha:)So the second suprise came when the show ended and the 2/4 '07 people shouted happy birthday angela:Dhaha:)She was damn shocked:Ohaha:)Venetia came with the cake and all:DBegged the person to let us take a group picture in the cinema:Dand we suceeded:Dhaha:)After that continued by cutting and eating cake:)yeah,that was kind of all:)Shopped and after that went home with kah hui:)Angela,hope you had a awesome birthday with us!:D 1 year older,1 year wiser! But you still must be "stupid" at the correct time,okay?:)Hope you like the picture I editted:)I love you,angela:) ![]()
Next up is tag replies!:D Lisa: yeah lah,yeah lah. ni hen ku:Dhaha:) Cezanne: HAHA:)sorry,I forgot to include you!:(Thank you for being my friend!:)loveee you! Kimchew: hey!kimchew:)yes,outing soon:)I miss youu!:( Arimu: HAHA:)you were faster because I waited for you to post before posting,okay!lols,what dinner? Sheryl.S: HAHA:)congrats! Opps! I forgot I"m not supposed to laugh!:Xlols miss you loads,garlic singh:D Amabel: Sheryl seet so guai obviously will become prefect lah!lols,why didn't you opt her out?haha:)joking. Yeah,i miss pl:( Shu yi: I'll relink soon:)Yeah, I'm fine at IJ:)thanks Lisa: YAY! i still think you come back to celebrate pet's birthday.lols:) Must eat ichiban with me:) Tiffany: tiffanyyyyyyyyy!hahaha:) catch up soon!:D Arimu: haha:)No more dead blog!:DThanks,i love my blog too:)lol
Okay,I'll end here:)God bless! fangying:)) Monday, October 27, 2008 @ 4:57 AM ♥ talk about my life
okay,decided to update my blog because its been dead for quite some time!haha:)okay,maybe very long..lols:)Ari is helping me blog too!:)thanks!haha:)okay,blogging about monday:)I TOTALLY LOVE MONDAY BECAUSE THERE'S RETREAT!omg,you know retreat was the bomb yow~!haha:)Like what mrs lina siew?i can't remember her name but retreat is something IJ offers and when IJ girls leave IJ.They don't remember what they learnt,who their teachers are but they remember the retreats they had.I'm sure I'll be like that too:)Retreat's just different.Okay,had retreat with 1/1 to 1/4 and it was awesomeee!:)Father simon entertained us with some really touching story and 2 ghost stories which ain't that scary after all-.-haha:)Then uncle edwin was really hilarious!See teng kinda became his admirer?!haha:)It was funny!Justina became nicolas's wife?!haha:)damn weird:Xlols:)Had loads and loads of fun!The most awesome part was when we're supposed to seek forgiveness.I totally broke down..Okay,got really emotion when I hugged aunty winny(mother):(I recalled such a bad daughter I've been and I really felt sad:(Next was uncke edwin(father) and that's the part where I really let out all my emotions,ALL.Guess this is a really good way to let everything out:)Isabel,Kimchew,minyee,ariaga,weiting and gaby came to hug me and I felt really touched.I'm really sorry if I did any nasty things to you all before or have any misunderstandings.But thanks for being my friends and i love you all.Retreat's just awesome!Looking forward to next year's retreat:) Today had inter-class games and 1/2 DID REALLY WELL FOR BASKETBALL!I'm really proud of you people!:)Dance was okay i guess,I expected them to not know anything but they did really well despite the short period of time they had!Well done,1/2!Other then that,general leadership program was ok.Played 3 games and we saw uncle vasu!The one that went with us at the beginning of the year!He can't even remember us:(haha:)That's kinda all and today had lunch with min yee:)Charmaine had to go to his uncle's house to eat?!So yeah,carrot cake and bubble tea-ed:)Ate,talked,crapped and jo teo came and asked us to all go home because the O levels are in progress.So went home but before that took pictures with min yee honey!:)haha:)yay!i love min yee!lols,that's kinda all.Okay,I'll post soon and hopefully ariaga's done with her post!See you people soon!:)Training tomorrow!:X fangying:)) Tuesday, October 21, 2008 @ 1:50 AM ♥ talk about my life
ari here:D cuz SOMEONE was too lazy to blog:D haha:)she's asked me to help her blog,so yeah.... let's start from....monday!(20 October:) monday omg!!it was DAMN fun!!!!!! in the morning,ms mazlind came in for contact time and starting loading me with work to do(collect money and stuff)but i surprised her by saying that i already had started collecting the money:Dyay!go ari!whoots!:) after contact time,i THINK we went up to the AVA room for the retreat?ya,im pretty sure we did...anw,the retreat was @#^%$$%#%% FUN!!:) (i learnt that from fy...teehee!) father simon was telling us stories and stuff...i cant really remember:S oh dear...im losing my memory!!gasp!shock!*faints and falls to the floor.then gets back up again to continue typing:D*anyway,the part that i CAN remember was when father simon asked us to say sorry to the people that we hated or had been mean to.we also had the choice to go up to uncle edwin,maryanne,marianna,sheryl(cheryl?),the indian girl,nicolas or auntie winny,to ask for forgiveness cuz each person represented a member of the family e.g.uncle edwin was the father ,auntie winny was the mother and the rest were brother and sisters:) since this is fy's blog,i shall talk about what she did-.-haha! fy went up to the father and the mother and was talking to them and stuff and according to her,she let go all of her emotions.so when she left them and was going back to her seat,i saw her crying alot,and i just felt SO guilty for not treating her like a true friend and i hated myself for that,so,i went up to her before she sat down,and started apologising.seeing her standing and crying there made me SO guilty,that i cried too-.-but i really felt bad for not treasuring our friendship and always daoing her...we hugged for like a SUPER long time...one of the longest hugs that i've ever had...and then we were saying sorry to each other,and after that hug,all that guilt just faded away...it's like we started anew:)im really glad we had that retreat:)anyway,min yee was getting jealous that we hug for so long,so i went back to my seat.... we did alot of singing and dancing during the retreat.we were so enthu that father simon said that IJ TP was EVEN better than IJ st nicolas:Dyay! GO IJ!! WE ROCK!!father simon then told us a ghost story:)it was DAMN freaky cuz the devil was talking through this boy who apparently did satanic rituals:O it was also damn cool cuz it REALLY happened:Dnormally the ghost stories ppl tell never happened...anyway,the retreat ended after that and i hope that the other half of the sec 1 cohort will do as well as we did so we can beat st.nicks together!YAY!:D go sec 1s!:D after that,we had to stsay in the ava room to get our ep results back and i got a C :( boo!sobs! anyway,i dunno how much fy got though...oh,she got a B...then it was PIZZA TIME!!!:Dyay!pizza!whohoo!!we ate pizza from mrs tan aye leng in the canteen...and we had to be quiet cuz the sec4s were saying prayer for O levels.GOOD LUCK SENIORS!!:) anddddd.......I GOT SHORTLISTED FOR SYF!!!!!!!!!wohoooooo!!yay!!go ari!:D ok,anyway,ive got no time to blog about today cuz i have to go this dinner thing:Xso tata and ciao!:D love, the drama queen,Ariaga!:)<3 AND I LOVE FANG YING!!!<3 AND PET!!!<3 1:30 AM ♥ talk about my life
Have not been updating my blog for a long time and people are starting to complain! Haha, all these impatient people!haha:) SO here I am blogging!Exam period so I didn't update my blog. Last week had science,geography,SOVA,maths and literature.Okay so let me tell you how is it overall. SCIENCE: was good! I manage to do all the questions and i knew how to do:)I hope can get an A1:)If not later mrs tan will kill me!:XHAHA:) I want to do well for science also because I LOVE science!:)and mrs tan is a GREAT teacher!i love mrs tan:) GEOGRAPHY: was kinda normal I think,although there were some question I didn't know how to do:( Plus I didn't finish my last qestion!!!Okay,I don't expect myself to do well for geog-.- SOVA: was good too,although I was kinda can't be bothered with it!haha:)I didn't study at all the day before!I only started studying it after geography paper!HAHA:)Thanks to Isabel and Ashley for the [F]ather [P]ushes [A] [C]omputer [B]ag= [F]acial expressions [P]oses [A]rrangements [C]omposition and [B]ackground settings:)haha:)thanks thanks! love you all loads! MATHS:was actually quite confident about it but paper 1 turned out more difficult than paper2!:O Didn't finish paper 1:( I was disapointedd:(But paper 2 was much better although I think I lost about 10 marks already-.-I think I'm stupid:( LITERATURE: was alright:)I studied the correct story!haha:)Phone call came out!:)For mrs timothy's analysis I wrote 12 characteristic of her!:OI feel good:)haha:)But I toook about like 50 mins on that!haha:)Then I was rushing for the other questions:OBut I think overall,it was fine:) That marks the end of exams!!!:D:D:D Went out to eat and shop after lit paper with min yee,charmaine,shu li,isabel.ashley,sarah and sheryl:)Sarah and sheryl had AEP paper so after eating and shopping for sarah's bra,they went home:) I shopped with min yee, charmaine and shu li:) Went around the WHOLE j8 and min yee bought her hand bands and earings while I bought shirt from 77th street:)was &%#4^) fun!:)) After that went home and went out with cousin!:)Took neoprints:D:DYAY! was fun too:) Yesterday was %(^%#@)(#*)& FUN AND AWESOME! Went to Wild Wild Wet with charmaine,wei ting,jane and felicia:)) Had loads of fun:D:Dhaha:)We were supposed to meet at TP mrt at 12.30 but I was late again^_^haha:)sorry people,made them waited for 30 mins!:Ohaha:)SORRYYYYY!haha:)Then we headed to pasis ris mrt and went to WWW!YAY! It was fun we played alot alot of slide and the pail thingy was fun! HAHA:)AND FUNNY:)CHARMAINE AND I WAS LAUGHING AT EACH OTHER!lols:)Played U lar lah and i tricked them into looking at the wrong camera!HAHA:)the picture was super unglam!HAD A GREAT DAY THERE:)played arcade,racing car and I won jane and felicia:)HAHAHA:)Drums was weirdd,lolsxD felicia was too agressive already! Hit the thing with like all her might and hit jane's finger!!!:( hope,you're alright now jane:D Dinner at foodcourt was a bit too quiet:XI think everyone's tired already,went home and yeah:)Ended the &^$^&@* FUN FUN DAYY!l:D:D MUST GO AGAIN SOON!:D Today didn't go out with anyone.Break day:) Tonight I think going to Jumbo for dinner with family:))yay!Tomorrow supposed to go out with min yee:D She even planned everything then she totally forgot she got OM meeting!HAHA:)SHE IS DAMN RETARDED BUT I LOVE HER:D:D:DHAHA:)So going out with her on tuesday:Dgoing to shop shop shop! and neoprints again!haha:) wednesday have maths trial,people remember to bring calculator,protracter,rular and measuring tape:)Okay,Idsa'm looking forward to shop spree with min yee and results!I pray I'll get good results and not let my parents down:)Okay,blog soon again! God bless you and have fun while you can!:D fangying:)) Sunday, October 12, 2008 @ 1:58 AM ♥ talk about my life
okay,just a short post before i go back to study again:)okay,lisa's gone back to beijing and she didn't have ichiban with me!:(BOOOO!lisa koh yi wen, you better eat ichiban with me when you come back on december!ITS A M-U-S-T!lol.Tomorrow's science!:O I must do well!Can't let mrs tan down:)Hmm.. Mrs tan like going to retire soon!:(NOOOO!sigh.. I still want mrs tan to be our form teacher next year:)haha:)I also don't know why..lols.Okay tomorrow's science,tuesday have geography and SOVA=.=okay,SOVA is like a total waste of time-.-Like why do we need to learn SOVA?!?!Then, wednesday is maths!okay, i kinda love maths now:)Last paper,LIT!omg, I don't feel good about lit:(I think I'm going to fail=.= Although i like lit but how am i going to memerise the all the stories!*^(&*%%^( HAHA:)Nevermind,I'll mug mug mug:)haha:)Okay.thats kinda all:D Going to go J8 with minyee after lit paper:Dhha:)yay! freeeeeeeedom:)Okay, i shall mug with charmaine and min yee again:)okay,study hard people!4 more days! JIA YOU! Sunday, October 5, 2008 @ 3:29 AM ♥ talk about my life
One down, two down, three subjects down. Still have another 5 more to go!:OThis week I guess was ok, i can't really remember what happened on monday,tuesday and wednesday..Maybe there's just too many unsignifant things happening..Oh, i remember! I finished one whole maths paper on tuesday!I did my maths peper instead of watching the movie mrs roch played us!:O I'm so proud of myself!haha:)Okay, back to yesterday.School normal then after that went to eat with min yee and charmaine:)We celebrated gabby and peck's birthday!HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABBY AND PECK!heh:)Than studied with charmaine and min yee history! It was goooood:Dhaha:) Had a really good talk with them about netball stuff:X Than decided to go home and study:D So we went home and i was asking charmaine, should I take bus or MRT? Then her reaction was take bus take bus! Then I purposely go take MRT with her!heh:) Charmaine didn't know I had her wallet in my bag!haha:)Stupid lah she!haha:)Imgine I took the bus and went home!:Ohaha:) Still ask me to take bus home!hah:P Today, had history! Was quite good! Can do most questions:Dyay! I was quite statisfied:) Other than I wrote twice for STRUCTURED QUESION 1 AND 2! haha:) Than went to eat with charmaine because min yee had to go home and stupid gan shu li don't know why cannot eat with me-.-haha:)So charmaine and I talked alot on the way to interchange:) Decided to eat at Bishan instead:) Went there and wanted to eat pastamania and guess what still not open! It was only 10! ahha:)FUNNY! In the end we ate subway again-.-haha:) Saw alot of RJC people! ankle socks!:O ALL,YES ITS ALL!haha:) Than after that went to top up my card and saw natalie,kaela and rachel:)haha:)Rachel didn't have anyone to go back to tp with!haha;)sorry! So I decided to sms her to keep her accompany:)See I'm so nice:)Talked again and I just couldn't seems to keep anyone.. I'm such a failure..NEO FANG YING, I SWEAR YOU ARE SUCH A FAILURE! Sigh.. Won't you all stay for the TEAM?Please?OKAY,went home and yeah slacked:)haha;)Had a good talk with diandra:)oh, hui geok's ill!:( GET WELL SOON,HUNNAYE!:D Pet didn't talk to me at all.. Going to talk to her later:Dyeah, that's about it for today:DOh yeah, juniors! jia you for PSLE! I'm really missing PL:(Where we had so much fun together! Shooting from far far and netballs end up in the canteen:D Morning runs with the netballers:D Games with the netballers!:D Recess with sheryl, li tong, karlyn. amabel, gouf etc. Crapping with SHERYL SEET SU SING during class:)hah:DBullying TLT!haha:) All those fun(ny) memories:D I want them back! I WANT A TIME MACHINE!Primary school's so nice and simple:)Unlike secondary school, so complicated:( I MISS THE PL UNIFORM I MISS THAT NETBALL POST I MISS THAT WHITE BELT I MISS THE TEACHERS I MISS THE NETBALLERS I MISS THE FUN I HAD I MISS PL PRIMARY! Friday, October 3, 2008 @ 12:23 AM ♥ talk about my life