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♥ TWO TWO♥ ONE TWO ♥ COUNCIL ♥ IJ NETBALL ♥ DANIELLE ♥ PETRINA ♥ ANGELA ♥ AMANDA LOW ♥ KIMBERLY ♥ KAELA ♥ LYN ♥ KIMBERLY CHEW ♥ LISA +agnes +amabel +andrea goh +andrea koh +andreea +anne xue +alycia +ariaga +bernice +catalina +caitlin +callista +cezanne +chai ning +chelsey +cheryl teow +cheryl poh +christabel +christie yeo +christine +christine lee +clara tee +cynthia +daniel lee! +daphne +elizabeth tan +estee +estelle +esther +fang +felicia soh +gabrielle +guo fang +gwen seah +hazel +hui geok +hui yi +hui ying +isabel lau +joan +jochebel +joy chia +jia yan +jia ying +kah hui +karlyn +kathleen +keely +ke xuan +lesley! +li keng +ling yi +lydia +marrissa +mei shuen +melody +min en +natalie +nicole<3<3 +nina +ONE ONE +one three +one four +one five +one seven +one eight +pamela +qian hui +qian yan +qium +rachel w. +regina +ruth +ryan +sabrina +sandra +sarah +serene +shermin +sheryl seet +shi pei +shi yun shok teng +shu yi +sophia +susie +tessa +valerie +wei min +wei ting +wendi +wen jin +yi ting +yun ting |
![]() hey people!:D The long awaited post for the awesome fangying is here!:D:D:Dhahaha:) I got hold of some council camp pictures and yay!:D i love council! Nowadays i'm so busy with netball,netball,netball!Yesterday had training at CCAB:) Took bus to tp and guess what! I forgot my netball-.- I was already reaching tp so yeah..Minyee said she was sick so cannot go training,so I decided to go get her netball instead:DSmart smart fangying:Dhahaha:)Thanks,minyee for coming down to give me the netball:D Bought bubble tea with charmaine:) LCM!:Di love it:)Then went to school to meet up with pet and kah hui:DThen after that van came:Dhaha:)Actually we are supposed to like go to prata house to eat prata but yeah,don't know what happened so instead,charmaine and I ate chicken rice,pet and kah hui ate instant noodles and van ate cheese fries:Dhaha,Had fun talking:)Then after that recieved sms from shok teng,she say she reached already!:OIt was like only 12 plus?!HAHAHA:)she said she was bored at home so came early!lols,funny lah you:DThen after eating and stuff went to take 153 and we met sheryl they all. Then went to ccab and yeah,shok teng said she was chaota already!hahaha:)So warm of course chaota lah!lols!Then yeah,sat down talked gave people the cards:D Then after that talked talked till coach came. Ran 2.4 as usual:(Timing was slightly slower than the previous timing on the 400 m track:(12.30 but not too bad lah,d and van ran so fast!:Olols. Then ran another 3 rounds:(Replacement runs:(:( Then had to do pitter patter and the basketball board thingy and some steps thing. Partnered tessa:)Not too bad,we fininsh early:)HAHA:)Then after that i throwed for shok teng and callista:D Then the funny thing happened:)HAHHA:)lightning alert! Kim was super funny! bend down and fingers up!haha,she is damn funny lah;)Then moved indoors and yeah saw pl people!:DD I get high whenever i see them-.-I got no idea why..lols Then fininsh off the pitter patter left with callisata and shok teng:) Then coach put kim,sheryl,tessa,me,pet,wendi and shipei to play and yeah. Played all 4 quarters,tired:(Then got to do square ball and that C for the last quarter pisses me off-.- Use her butt one:( idiot:( Then yeah,after square ball,end training;)yay! then after that went to eat prata with pet,kim and kah hui:D Then went home with kah hui and yeah:) Going to buy books later and coming home to rot with pet:) I love my fellow rotting at home partner:Dhaha,HAPPY IDIOTS DAY!hahaha:) Thanks for talking to me yeaterday and yeah:)Hg thanks for calling me too:) Although i was pek chek-ing with you..haha:)love you people:))OKay,i'm stopping here. I gtg get my books:Dbye! Wednesday, November 26, 2008 @ 10:09 PM ♥ talk about my life
1)Please be at kallang netball centre by 8 all ready because we are going to start warmup earlier:) 2)Attire is IJ fiesta shirt with IJ shorts or blue straight cut fbts! 3) Everyone is to remember to bring your netballs! 4) Min Yee, please remember to bring the tournament bibs! 5) Everyone is to be reminded to remove all earings before warmup! 6) Ensure that finger nails are cut! Thats all:) Work hard people!:D Focus and play well!:) Go people! Okay now,time for tag replies!:):):)HAHAHA:) Qianyan: hello! I relinked you already!:) Ari: HAHA:)I get what you mean:) like i'm happy,right?:) Lindsay:hello lindsayyy!:Dhaha,same height partner! see you tomorrow!:D Huigeok:haha:)I miss you too! Bernice: haha:)hey junior! i linked you already! hows life? Andrea: hey! huh? what you look weird?!?!hahaha:) Regina: heyhey! Change blogsong? why! nice luh:)haha,hows life yow! i'll update soon!:D fangying:)) Sunday, November 23, 2008 @ 1:44 AM ♥ talk about my life
DAY 1(NETBALL CARNIVAL AND DAY 1 AT COUNCIL CAMP) The past week I had was really fun and enriching:D Starting with monday,had to wake up at 5.30 in the morning to get ready to go to kallang for our netball carnival:) Reached there quite early and I thought no one was there yet but actually sheryl,danielle and people are sitting at the chair and it was blocked by the tree so i didn't see them-.-stupid. haha, after that i realise and yeah,went there to change shoes and stuff and by the time the gate is already open,so we headed in:)Got sms from hg,thanks alot:DIt helped! Then we started warmup and yeah it was a mess!:(Partly was because I didn't brief everyone on it beforehand:( Sorry,people. Ended late and coach wasn't happy and yeah.. She said we don't play already lah,walk over.. Apologised and yeah,played:)Thanks coach! But yeah,didn't go all that well,but not too bad lah:)Then after 3 games it started to rain!:O Then rain and rain non-stop",so in the end postponed to next monday. Had a little bit of training and it was fun! The playground one was the funniest!:D:Dhaha,after training had lunch with the netties!:Dkim,charmaine,cezanne,minyee,sheryl,tessa,shermin:)It was so funny and fun!:D kfc-ed and yeah when walked to hail a cab the clever kim fell into the long gang!:Dhahaha:) Everyone was so shocked! Then hailed cab to school with,charmaine,minyee and kim:D reached school and yeah,bathe with charmaine:D Then helped the exco abit:) Then everyone started to come and yeah,dinner!:D:DCelebrated saira's birthday too!:D:DHAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!Then after dinner was twilight game!:D the dead potato part!:DIt was so fun lah!:D:D Then after that we got into our own groups and we started the game!:D gen gave me a phone and yeah,someone called and the game began!:Dexciteddd! Then we proceed on and play the game,unfortunately we didn't find 2 clues:( But it was fun overall!:D And guess what! I was the hostage!:Dhahaha:)It was damn funny!:):) Amanda thien was cool! Then yeah,played played and yeah,ended the day!:D Went to sleep in the hall because it was raining:( I wanted to sleep at the basketball court:( but the hall was good because me,charmaine,krystle and tessa slept on the mattress and it was so comfortable with the fan too!:D DAY 2( COUNCIL CAMP!:D) Day 2 was (#7$(*^&(* fun!:D:D So many games at night and no netball at all!:D But woke up in the morning at 7.30,had breakfast and stuff:) Yeah,then we had service learning workshop at the AVA room with melvin:) It was good!:D Not too bad,learnt alot of things, how to plan a project:) The 4 Ts, Tolerent,Treat,Transfer and Terminate:) YAY!:) It was really enriching and fun!:D:D Lunch was rice again but i learn to appreciated food!:D:Dhaha,but melvin told us we were cheated because we can get better food then just hotdogs,vegetables and yeah.. But its a lesson learnt!:DGo council!:)Then until at night we had NIGHT GAMES! It was so fun and ORANGE ROCKS!(marrissa,florence,michelle,ashley,lesley and saira!~)it was the best man! Had really alot of fun together and we won alot of games!(: Nicely people!:):) PLayed with soap,coffee and whatsoever! So dirty and fun!:):)yay!We love it!:) Played and of course helped clean up and yeah had fun too!:D washing with saira and getting water with pamela:Dfun fun fun! Then after that we went to bathe and stuff:) HElped to fold more straw hearts and yeah,knocked out with charmaine:)hehe,mattress again!:Dcool and nice~! Then wah that krystle and amanda talk talk talk! So noisy! hahaha:) But i love you all lah!:D Slept and yeah,had a great day!:D DAY 3(COUNCIL CAMP AND TRAINING AT CCAB) Woke up quite early again,getting ready to go to renci hospital!:D we are going to clean windows!:):)heehee!:D Our group rocks! Sherlyn,marie,chien wen and pet!:D Clean clean clean! But it was quite sad to see the chronic patients:( but yeah,we're strong!:) Netballers had to leave early again, so we left early and headed to novena and yeah ate burgerking! We were like speed eating!:O haha:)Ate damn fast!:O Then went back to tp and yeah,packed and got ready to go to ccab:) Met clarice in school and yeah,took 153 there together:)Then reached there and yeah,talked and crapped a little with the p6s:)haha,then training and yeah, ran 2.4 and i was so slow:X Then drills was good:) because coach was in a good mood:) after that started to rain so we moved indoors!:D I saw estee,andrea and amanda!:D:D omg! Then I was so high suddenly!:) Then prctice square ball and split ball with everyone and yeah! NOw everyone is familier with it already:) GOOD!:D Then after training went back to school with the netties and I stayed for the sec4 farewell !:D It was so good!:D The food and yeah. Saira was funny!:) Laughed and laughed:) Shipei is so stupid fed me fish that is like 90% bone!hahaha:) Alesia finally took glam pic with me but she said i forever unglam one:(Then after everything ended amd stuff got some more people to write for me:) Then after everything,said bye to everyone and yeah went home:) It was a awesome 3 days!:D I love it so much! I ♥ COUNCIL! Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 7:49 PM ♥ talk about my life
![]() ![]() hey! today was kinda good!:DSt. nicks's investiture was quite alright:)Talked to estelle yesterday on msn and she told me to go for her to the invest. Supposed to meet at the council room at 9, I was early and no one was there-.- Called estelle,joan. No one picked up-.-lols. Waited in council room and they finally came!:)) Then changed and all, flag taxi. Went to st. nicks:) Got down the taxi and we were kinda lost for that moment:Xhaha,didn't know which side to enter from!HAHAHA:)Then some st. nicks girl guided us:) Went into the school, walked past the track,climbed stairs!,walked past the canteen( SAW MEI SHUEN!!!:D),went to the hall( no air-con:X) haha, we were all so warm!:O Then performance and stuff:) Not too bad! Their speech was not too boring and dance performances were good!:Dhaha,entertaining:)Then after everything,lunch:) Followed the crowd to the canteen and yeah,the host was no where in sight!:Ohaha,after that they found us and the first question clara asked was: where is the toilet?haha:)So funny! She had to do something:X(ahem ahem)Then ate a little and drank,toured school:D The school is TOTALLY HUGE!:O like wow!haha,can really get lost know! We got really fascinated by the HAPPY TOILETS!:Dhaha,its so cool! I forgot to take a picture!:( One of them have tree(fake one) in the toilet! So cool lah and its super clean! Almost every CCA has a room!:X So good lah! Oh, i realise we didn't go to their council room!:X I wanted to have a look! Then tour ended but weijia's mum wasn't here yet, so we told the host and yeah. they had to go home so we were left alone. Took picture at the foyer:)^^^^ Supposed to meet mei shuen but i don't know where she go lah,but nvm lah. Meet her again next time:) I miss the pl netballers!:X So long never see them already:( Then we went out to wait for weijia's mum and yeah. Some nice st nick girl called out to us if we need help!:DOmg,so nice lah!:D Then weijia's mum fetched us back to school:) Thank you! Went back to school and changed out of the warm council uniform!:DSaw charmaine,nicolette,gaby,shu li and hui geok!:)Had OM meeting:) Settled quite alot of things:)not bad not bad:) Then went out to but chicken rice and bubble tea:) Ate and chatted with charmaine,gaby and nicolette:) Went to interchange with charmaine and gaby:) talked a little,told charmaine something:Xhaha:) Went home:) Yeah,thats kind of about it. Quite a good day today! Had fun with clara,joan and weijia:) OM meeting was rather enjoyable:) Oh,today hui geok and val are going for their grad night,have fun:D Council camp on monday!:D:D Netball carnival too!:X I'm kinda nervous:( Okay,I'll end here:) bye and peace out! fangying:)) Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 3:02 AM ♥ talk about my life
this post is for HG the idiot. (: 1. whatever. 2. shut up la. 3. you pissed me off. 4. you break my heart luh. 5. i had fun talking to you today. 6. i will TRY not to post about what you did for me ( HG you should know this) 7. I LOVE YOU LUH! ♥ Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 6:30 AM ♥ talk about my life
I regret not meeting you today,i'm sorry. Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 5:49 PM ♥ talk about my life
telling me you are okay when you are obviously not.. keeping everything from me, acting so cheerful and all.. today I was really angry/sad/idk what.. haha:)I don't even know why.. maybe like what you say you don't want to affect me,but you know you are worrying me? I want to be there when you're sad and down stop thinking I don't care or I don't love you I CARE AND I LOVE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE! you really hurt me and i want you to know i really really care about you stop saying you are not good enough or anything i love you for who you are and thats it no one can be compared to you thanks for what you did before you went to bath:)) love you alot alot alot:D *lunch with pet tmr:) *training :X fangying:)) 6:22 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hey everyone!:) I'm back to blog!:) YEsterday was a super duper fun and happy day!:) Met hunnaye,pet and val to 'study':)HAHA:)Met them at 3 at tp and pet was late!haha:)Before we go get ready she was like don't be late and I told her she will be the one who is late luh!:)Then she said the one that is late treat bubble tea but in the end she was the one that is late!haha:) Val and me was the ealiest!:)Hunnaye was the latest because she fell asleep!:Ohaha:) Told you to go and sleep then you don't want!lols. She woke up when I sms her!haha:)She is damn funny lah!lols. Met val first then met pet:)We walked aimlessly to one macs and to the other.haha:) Walk here walk there then decided to wait for hg at macs:)Pet ordered fries:)Mixed!haah:)ate and waited for hg and she owe us all bubble tea!:)haha,but in the end she only treated me!:)yay! I love my hunnaye:) Talked and did a little work at macs:)Had alot of fun!Laugh like I don't know what.HAHAHA:) They make me laugh man!:)love them to the max! the awesome-4some!:)hunnaye,me,pet and val:Dpeck was missing in action because she had training and need to celebrate her sis's b"day. After macs we decided to go look for handphones:)Val wanted to change her hp:)Looked here looked there,talked to hg:)Then went to the library to answer nature's call:)haha:)Then ate val wanted to eat orh ni?haha:)So walk to gourmet paradise and it was closed!haha:)Val was damn sad lah!:(haha:)Went to kou fu and ate:)Pet and i ate beef! damn nice and we got our food and guess what we forgot! Fork and spoons and we got no hands to take!:O:O Then there's this really nice guy who helped us!:):)So funny! Then ate and talk,peck came to meet us for a while:)Then she had to go:( Continue eating and then we went to kiddy palace!:):)Omg,it was so fun! Hg and I took alot of pictures and played! It was so fun! I love camwhoring with hunnaye!:) Wore hats,shades!,milk bottles and etc!love yesterday alot!:)After kiddy palace,we went to secret hiding place to talk!:):)yay! Talked,talked,talked!:)yay! Was good!:)Me and val was like really haha:)okay don't say:Xhaha:)Had alot of fun!:)I love going out with hunnaye,pet and val:)Okay,thats all:)I'll blog again:)love you peoples!:) small words to my hunnaye:) thanks for always being there:) love you to the max and point taken!:) fangying:)) Saturday, November 8, 2008 @ 6:40 PM ♥ talk about my life
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() One word to describe today is HAPPY!:Dhaha:) Never felt so happy in my whole entire lifetime!:DToday had training in the morning and 2.4 was okay:)Clarice didn't come:(Kah hui was first!:) But i can't seems to catch up with kah hui!:( Starting I was behind kah hui and chasing after her:)lols,but as time goes by,i was damn tired to continue chasing after her:X So I slowed down and by last second round,vanessa and pet caught up with me!haha:) I was too tired so I decided to just follow behind them:) I was kinda happy with my timing:)12.38. Okay lah,not too bad:)Circuit was no very good:(haha,did the netball thingy and i just couldn't do the thing!(#$)&haha:) But okay lah,kim entertained me:)lols,kinda:) Got scolding with pet about the medicine ball thingy but I wasn't really that upset over it!:)haha:) Didn't really care much:) Cool people:) ME and PET:)Then had mid field drills:)Omg,it was damn fun! Did with shipei,marie and danielle:)COOL! omg,so fun!:D You should see our cool PUMMY in action!:Dhaha:) And we came up with cool cool inventions like water in the netball!!!:D hot fudge in the netball by shipei!!!:D we are dam funny! Had alot of fun!:D:D Then after training, pong pong-ed with pet and kah hui!:D yay! damn fun too! Pet threw the soap and hit my head lah!3((#*#&*%&:) Damn funny! Then lunch with pet,kah hui and sheryl:) Chicken rice and all:D Then went to play and play and play:):) Had a cool cool conversation with pet!I upload the picture another time:)Amanda thian was damn funny too!:D Then play here play there:) Hunnaye came back from her shopping trip:)YAY!haha:) Then crapped and had alot of fun!:D Played badminton with hunnaye and it was retarded-.- But really funny! Talked to hunnaye while she bathe because I was supposed to bathe with her:Ohaha:) Love her so much for doing her homework!:Dheh! After that played tick tack toe!:Dlols,was just plain retardedness!Camwhore a little with hunnaye!:D I swear I LOVE HER TO THE MAX! Then camwhored on the field and track!:D Damn fun and high luh! kah hui,pet,kit yee,yining was playing basketball:)haha:) Then me and val went to camwhore:) then arthir came and had to go home:( So went home with kah hui:)yay! Today was just **&$(*&* fun!:) I love it man! Had a good talk with kah hui again:D I just simply love today!:DOkay,I'll blog soon!:D SEE you!Nights I LOVE HUNNAYE! I LOVE PET! I LOVE VAL! I LOVE THE SEC 4S! FUN PEOPLE!:D Friday, November 7, 2008 @ 6:25 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HEY!:) sorry people for not updating my blog for such a long time:Xhaha:)holidays are here but i'm quite lazy to update!So,took pictures with hunnaye:D,pet:D,val:D and peck:D!Yay! It was so fun! We bathe in school and had loads of fun:)Throwing shampoo,body foam all over!HAHA:) I threw the body foam to hg and it went WHEEEEEE! over her cubicle!HAHA:)That was so hilarious! Shall not say what hapened:Xhaha:)hg,you should know!:) So,went for the National young leader's talk by halogen foundation and it was AWESOME~!:D Learn alot of valuable thing from the speakers like Mr Martin tan and Mr Nick vujucic:) Gosh,they were really gooooood!:D Especially mr nick! Its really inspiring!:)He told us how he overcome his disability-no arms,no legs. Learn that TRYING = HOPE! and OBSTACLE = OPPORTUNITY! dIf you meet an obstacle and you got no one to help,you got two choice, give up or try. If you give up and stop trying, you will never get up and never suceed. In other words, if you keep on trying and even if you fail, you still have a chance to get up and to succeed:) Life's is full of mountains and valleys, mountains represent the peaks of your life and valley represents the downs. Everyone has to go through that and don't get stuck in the valleys of your life! Why not go through the valleys and get the people in the valley you are in up to the mountains? Then continue and proceed on to the next valley and bring more people up!:DMake sense?Totally:) Yes,everyone of us are scared of failure but its something that strenghtens you and build you up. Just likt the story of the pencil, it needs to go through that painful sharpening process to become a sharper pencil and same applys to life! We need to go through that painful process of sharpening too,be it friendship problem,studies or anything. In this process we get stronger and stronger:) When you get tease or hurt, when people says you're not smart,you're not pretty. Ignore their opinion and get more opinions from other people!:) There will be one that thinks you are pretty and smart:) Tell yourself I AM PRETTY! I AM SMART!:) Don't let them bring you down and YOU, stay strong!:) Learn alot from this talk and yes, i must learn to appy them to my life:) Training yesterday was okay:) I'm really happy with my timing for 2.4:)I improved:)yay! I was all the way behind kah hui:)haha;)My goal,catch up with kah hui:) After training had lunch with the netties!:)[ Pet,kah hui,vanessa,shi pei,wendi,marie,diandra,sheryl]:)yay! Nice lunch:)after lunch, talked and chat with pet,hunnaye,val,kah hui and angie:) Had a really good talk with angie:) YAY! my fighting partner:)haha:) Yesterday was quite hot-tempered:(Sorry,people. Went home with kah hui and had a nice talk:) Its been a long tim since I last had such a good chat:) PL SENIOR IS STILL THE BEST!:)haha:) Reached home and went out again;Xhaha:) Went to downtown east for dinner! hei sushI:)yay! Went home,tiredd:( Slept till today!haha:) Then going to school later with kah hui to do maths:) I'm going to study hard!:) Lunch with pet and kah hui too:) Love these awesome seniors:)heh. OKay,ending here:) See you people soon!:) when you're down, call me or text me, I'll be there I promise. please,don't play anymore of your games, it hurts me:( love you loads fangying:) Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 5:01 PM ♥ talk about my life