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♥ TWO TWO♥ ONE TWO ♥ COUNCIL ♥ IJ NETBALL ♥ DANIELLE ♥ PETRINA ♥ ANGELA ♥ AMANDA LOW ♥ KIMBERLY ♥ KAELA ♥ LYN ♥ KIMBERLY CHEW ♥ LISA +agnes +amabel +andrea goh +andrea koh +andreea +anne xue +alycia +ariaga +bernice +catalina +caitlin +callista +cezanne +chai ning +chelsey +cheryl teow +cheryl poh +christabel +christie yeo +christine +christine lee +clara tee +cynthia +daniel lee! +daphne +elizabeth tan +estee +estelle +esther +fang +felicia soh +gabrielle +guo fang +gwen seah +hazel +hui geok +hui yi +hui ying +isabel lau +joan +jochebel +joy chia +jia yan +jia ying +kah hui +karlyn +kathleen +keely +ke xuan +lesley! +li keng +ling yi +lydia +marrissa +mei shuen +melody +min en +natalie +nicole<3<3 +nina +ONE ONE +one three +one four +one five +one seven +one eight +pamela +qian hui +qian yan +qium +rachel w. +regina +ruth +ryan +sabrina +sandra +sarah +serene +shermin +sheryl seet +shi pei +shi yun shok teng +shu yi +sophia +susie +tessa +valerie +wei min +wei ting +wendi +wen jin +yi ting +yun ting |
I need c'div'09 pictures soon!!!:D![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Just felt like posting some pictures of the team(:haha,i seriously need to get some c' division '09 pictures!!!!:Dhaha,then i can post!Had training today until 12.30!lol,but we got break lah(: Interval training was okay,the new shoes feel light!:) Then did triangle with callista!:D I'm like so werid! Cried for idk why!haha,sorry callista!): but it was fun doing with you actually(: After triangle,did the jump up thingy at the steps(: Callista and diandra threw for me(: haha,diandra rock lah(: Did quite fast and had fun!:D Then did some simple drill for kim,ST and callista(: Then BREAK!:D YAY! haha,took height and weight. Accompanied yi ning to her classroom to get her textbook(: Lyn followed too(:haha, then talk to the team:) Bonded. YAY! Then training resume and we moved up to the indoor sports hall. Did pitter patter with callista:) Then after that lyn threw for me(: hahha,i love her passes lah(: Not say callista's one is not good but yeah(: I like both lah(:haha. Then full court,goaline throw in with seniors! ARGHH! damn tiring): Coach shouted and stuff. Then we did for like so long! Then water break and did half court,was okay lah:) End training!:D Bathed and went lunch with danielle,kah hui,sheryl,cezanne,shermin,charmaine,lyn,callista,shok teng:)Broke into macs group and sub group!hahaah,shermin and i were the ultimate macs people!:)hahhah.Went to the stairs!:Dhahha,talk talk talk!:Dhaha,lyn's super retarded! She dropped her straw on the escalator!hahaha.Then danielle had to call the subway people to bring for her and she was like some auntie dropped her straw so take one extra straw(:hahah,then when they come back they were like whose the auntie btw? haha,then everyone was like pointing to lyn!:Dhahaha,damn funny. Then was talking about MEMORYspan of goldfish is 3 seconds then lyn heard LIFEspan of the goldfish is 3 seconds!lol,damn funny. Then we were like saying next time play netball must bring goldfish because we'll know 3 sec is up when the goldfish die!hahah,seriously damn funny!:DAfter that went home with kah hui:D Anyway,today is some idiot's birthday!ahhaha HAPPY 14th BRITHDAY,CEZANNE!♥ Hope you like your carebear!:Dlol.thanks for being such an awesome friend!:D And thank you for always helping me out!:Dlove you and jiayou for netball yeah!:D Tag replies! Kim chew: HHAHHA(:YESYES! we need to do the council board too!(: Yungsing:haha,lol. Amabel:ahaha,sorry! typo,i type correctly this time round!:D Yixin:yesyes,meet up soon! miss you all terribly!): Lisa: SUP! SUP! SUP! lisaaa! miss you so muchhhh! Lyn:Yeah lah,my sister is very honest lah:)haha,so obvious we helping you luh! and you owe me letter(:YAY!:D lol Kaela: Yes yes,miss you alot. where you go? You're not online): 3rd service tomorrow!!!:D YAY! Thank God for the little things you have and He will multiply it(: ♥fangying:)) Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 4:09 AM ♥ talk about my life
You're my health,my righteousness,my wisdom,my everything. I know you are with me all the times and i want your presence,lord. Amen. ♥fangying:)) Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 5:58 AM ♥ talk about my life
hahaha,got this from kim(:lol,laugh all your troubes away!lol. Hmm,i think i should really learn how to manage my emotions. Not to get pissed so easily. Its not always people's fault. Lord,grant me that serenity and peace of mind. I need to change and become someone thats glorifies your name(: Yesterday,senior's match against cedar was a blast! It was so scary! Started off training with 2.4 and it suck): Had to run extra 1.2 because coach say my timing very slow): And i run slower than tessa): Boooo! I suck lah,timing was 12.22): I need to run faster! I need Lyn to run with me soon!After running,did pitter patter and we did quite slow and seniors started match already): I felt really bad for not being able to support them in the first quarter): first quarter was leading,then second quarter leading by 1,thrid quarter down by 1): but last quarter we caught up and won with a score of 39 to 33!:D YAY! IJ rocks!(: All the way! Double champs this year!(: Its ours!(: Training after senior's match in school,was ok lah(: I think we damn cute yesterday!:) We put back all the tables and when we put the last table back,we said nicely and clapped hands!:) I think its damn cute and funny! I love our team(: Today's training was okay but starting was bad!): Ran 1 round and had to move up to indoor sports hall because lightening alert.lol,did like 17 laps of running then tournament warmups stuff 10 laps each plus every one type finish must run 10 laps! Omg,its like killer lah!): After that was okay,did bounding and one leg hop,new drill and pitter patter(: Then half court and yeah.After trainingchanged and stuff and i swear lyn is damn cute!(:HAHAH(: Jaime: Kah hui can you please wait for me? Kah hui: I can't,i need to rush off with fang ying. Me: Yeah,need to rush off. Jaime: PLEASE! Kah hui: Can't! Jaime: Lyn! Lyn: ( Look at us for help) Kah hui: Lyn also need to rush off with shok teng. Lyn: No,shok teng went home already. Kah hai and me: LYN!!!! Lyn: (Blur) Get it? we are like trying to help lyn 'escape' then she so blur go say shok teng go home already!HAHAH(: kah hui and i laugh like mad!lol,damn funny. Can't go dinner with danielle,lyn mei and others because father came already-.- he damn angry also don't know for what-.- Nvm,forget about that. Talked to kah hui(: Yay! Then went home,dinner and yeah. I need to do my homework!!): Need to hand in tomorrow!): Sigh,okay. Update soon!(: Lord,grant me the strength. Amen. ♥fangying:)) Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 5:44 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() Today's a good day(:haha,went to school in the morning and went for morning mass(: Seniors have match today against chong boon and they did really well!:D YAY,all the way for tomorrow's cedar match! C div is all the way behind you!:D Had fun with sheryl before mass(: Met lyn,callista and qi zhi(: They arrived super early!:D Way before mass started! haha(sacrastic)lol. Anyway,had late day today but i think it was ok(: I kind of enjoyed chinese(: Got high marks for my zhouji!:DYAY,got back geography test result(: At least i passed! Today's just a good good good day:D Had lunch with charmaine today:) Did OM and had fun:)I accidentally painted her hair! Oppps! I swear its not on purpose! Then she went to the toilet to wash her hair and she took damn long! I finished painting the backdrop and the stars before she comes back!haha,was super hilarious!:DWent down to the canteen and saw the seniors:)haha,waited for kah hui so that can fetch her home too:)Talked to clarice:DDD Shipei 'pee-ed' on her shorts again!haha(: Shipei is damn funny!:D went off after saying bye to everyone:) Went home and talked to kah hui on the way:D Good good nice nice conversation:)haha,i love my seniors!:D Going down to support the seniors tomorrow against cedar!:D We are so going to win! YAY! We are going to cheer louder then cedar:)haha,okay i'll end here:) Update tomorrow:D Tag replies! danielle:hahaha(:sorry lah!Its my style you see!haha Thank you LORD for the wonderful day:) ♥fangying:)) Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 3:46 AM ♥ talk about my life
One word,exhaused. Had training today and it was pretty okay except the beginning of piometrics): I was damn tired and about to die): Cried a little,got no idea why-.- I was just tired,stressed and sad(i don't know why too). After that was okay,not too bad(: After Piometrics,did triangle,after triangle went up to the hall. Did goaline throw in>< haha,defended diandra. Was quite okay(: Other than the fact that i hit shipei like twice:X Sorry! And pet fell or should i say flew?hhaha,after training debrief and stuff. Went down and tried on shoes!:D The addidas netball shoes are really comfortable!:D Got one of them:) Happy!:D haha,then bathed and lunch-ed with danielle,charmaine,kah hui,shermin,cezanne,shok teng,callista and lyn mei:D Bought subway and ate at the stairs:) Had fun,talked and stuff:) Went home with kah hui:D Best senior ever!:Dhaha,home-ed. Slacked,did some work and i'm still not done-.- I got like tons of things to do! Omg,damn stressed and my eyes are like closing already!): I think i'll go and sleep and settle all these tmr:) Church tmr! YAY! I need some rest man!:DDD Going with Ap and her friends:) Next week, training's on wed,thurs and sat:) Going down to support the seniors on wednesday!:D YAY! I'm so going to shout:)haha,okay. I seriously need to sleep now,toodles!:D Tag replies: Lyn: HAHAHA:) I'm always nice!:Djust like you:Dhaha,no problem lah. I kinda enjoy throwing for sheryl:)Yes, i need to improve on my running:( I run like so slooooooooooow!gosh. today's lunch was goood:D Amanbel:haha:)heyoyo! Miss you much! Life okay,just busy with netball.yeah sure,running with you soon!:D love you too! ♥fangying:)) Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 6:32 AM ♥ talk about my life
Today was a rather good day!:Dhaha,i slept the whole journey to school and i think it helps alot!:) Came to school and mood wasn't too good..lol,studied for history and went for assembly. Was kinda pissed at maxene and people xDlol. I was kind of stressed because of the history test but maxene apologised during OM so yeah:)haha,contact time was rubbish lah.Took some survey then history test! So many MCQ! haha,i was stuck at the first question!hahahha, where is majapahit found? Thailand,Indonesia,Vietnam and another option. LOL, I chose Thailand! haha and the answer is indonesia! I seriously didn't know it was indonesia!hahah,and the funniest thing is that amanda MAJAPAHIT DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS FROM!HAHAH,she put the answer as vietnam!lol,damn hilarious! After that chinese-.- Quite stone, recessed and stuff. Didn't have lit because Mr A. had some meeting:) Then OM! Mrs J didn't come because she was at sec 3 adventure camp!:DDDDhaha,we were all damn happy!:DDD OM-ed and training! HAHAH:)It was damn funny,i wore my shorts the wrong way!lol and i was in the toilet when coach came and i had to run to the track!hahha(: Funny and weird and guard laces came out on the 4th round-.- Timing was slow): Shermin,callisata and qi zhi run damn fast): I'm sad! Then kim also run faster than me):lol,PIOmetrics was good(: Had fun with callista!:D Then triangle was good too until coach asked kim to throw for callis and shok teng to throw for me!hahahha,killer man!lol,SHOK TENG SO TOTALLY KILLED ME!LOL:)hahhaha. then after shok throw for me for the around the cone thingy,got callista back:Dhaha,but after throwing attacker's drill,coach change and ask shok to throw for me again!HAHAHHA:)then died at anywhere ball!:Xhahah,but its funny lah! Then threw for tessa and sheryl:D And blah blah but coach was still in the super cool and good mood!:D Its good:) Then training ended:) Packed stuff and went home:) Today was a good day i guess:) God Bless ME:Dyay!i loveeee GOD!:DAMEN. TAG REPLIES:) Kaela:HAHAHAH:)are you sure you won't get a bf?!lol,love you too!:DDDD Lyn: haha:) I know i'm nice!lol,recover soon mei! miss ya Kim: THANKS MUCH KIM!:D LOVE YOU LOADS AND TODAY'S TRAINING WAS AWESOME WITH YOU!:D Andrea: HAHAH:)relink soon! Evan: haha,sure:Dnice to meet you ♥fangying:)) Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 5:23 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well done everyone today!:) We won cedar!:) YAY! Our hardwork was paid off(: All those tough training and saturday training! But its not over yet,we still got semi-finals and finals! All the way, C'div! It was so close today! Every quarter was so tease! Thank you the seniors for coming down to support us, thanks diandra,wendi and all those seniors that was encouraging me and giving me advice on how to play better(: Love you seniors much! Coach was so encouraging today and it helps alot! Telling us what we need to do to improve(: And shouting at the umpire!haha,thanks coach! Lyn mei was injured and she cried because she though we lost but we didn't! haha,then coach say we could run 1.2 instead of 2.4:)YAY! Then lyn was like the 'princess' of the day! Got tessa to piggy-back her!haha,then talked to lyn in the bus and coach is going to lend lyn her shoes!:O Wow,damn cool! Anyway,1.2-ed and had de-brief on cedar's game. Told us our weakness and stuff. And the umpires are so *#&$8)$+@(! lol, did piometrics with callista(: Not too bad,enjoyed it(kinda):) Then end training and yeah. Nicely everyone! I love you all!:D Tmr got geography test! Argh,i got to go now! See you all soon!bye and kaela,i love you lah:Dhaha Tag replies! Kaela: HAHA,next year valentine you'll most probably find a bf already lah!lol Shok teng: haha,whatever lah!lol.nice game today!:D Angela: You rubbish lah!haha,i love your cookies man!:D Next time make more for me,love you! Lisa:SUP!:D miss you OC!:( I want my link to be highlited pink!:D Kaela: HAHA:)Kidding one lah,love you and i want more hugs from you tmr!:D ♥fangying:)) Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 5:41 AM ♥ talk about my life
Someone who takes care of me since I was young. Someone who wash my clothes for me. Someone who cooks for me. Someone who does every single small thing for me. Someone who loves me so. I realise how much she meant to me. Monday, February 16, 2009 @ 5:38 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() ![]() Today is a great day!:) Woke up early in the morning at 9.30 and got ready for church(: Went to suntec and ate breakfast(: Yum yum,after brunch went to get the tickets and shopped around(: Saw sarah!lol. Then shopped and shopped till service starts(: Service was good today! Pastor Prince preached today(: Learnt alot today(: 1 Kings 17:8 to 16 "Then the word of the LORD came to him.saying,'Arise, go to Zaraphate, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you. So he arose and went to Zarephate. And indeed a widow was there gathering sticks. And he called to her and said, ' Please bring me a little water in a cup, that I may drink.' And as she was going to get it, he called to her and said, ' Please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.' So she said, ' As the LORD your God lives,I do not have bread,only a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in the jar: and see, I am gathering a couple of sticks that I may go in ad prepare it for myself and my son,that we may eat it, and die.' And Elijah said to her, ' Do not fear, go and do as you have said, but make me a small cake first, and bring it to me; and afterwards make some for yourself and your son. For thus says the LORD God of Isreal : The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the LORD sends rain on the earth.' So she went away and did according to the word of Elijah; and she and he and her household ate for many days. The bin of flour was not used up,nor the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the LORD which he spoke by Elijah." Amazingly how God provides for us when we put him first(: Today was miracle seed day(: Sowed my seed and I believe he will prosper me in term of study and everything because he is the lord over everything(: YAY! I loveeee God!:) Today's just simply great! There's science test tomorrow and gosh,I haven done my zhouji!haha,training tomorrow! I will do well because the LORD is with me:) Amen. And mei you won't fall tomorrow because i've prayed for you(: Go all netties! We can do it! Love netties and GOD:D ♥fangying:)) Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 4:18 AM ♥ talk about my life
Its valentine day today and i had training!haha,training was okay today(: Intervel run was good! I ran faster today compared to the previous trainings(: Most of the time,I was running with lyn(: Gave out all my valentine's day presents! Yay,hope everyone likes it! I kinda gave one to coach too because like kah hui gave coach a hand made rose and sheryl said,fangying made roses too! Then I just give coach luh(: Hope she's happy!lol. Briefed us on the game on tuesday and we have short training on monday again): I'm so going to get scoding punishment from coach again): I kinda ran one extra round today for punishments and its quite cool because instead of jogging she asked me to sprint(: haha,quite fun but obviously its not a good thing and i was tired):lol. Coach got angry with the basketballers!haha,cool!lol. She said this for 3 times: I can't stand the basketballers! So irresponsible! HAHA(: It was funny and cool!(: Then did centre pass and stuff,moved up and did more): Ended training quite late because we can't get a interception): After that went to eat lunch with pet,shipei and tessa(: Back to school for cluster camp dry run! Pet was super retarded!haha,show you all pictures other time(:lol,then debrief and went home(: Recieved quite a bit of valentine's day gifts from netties!:) I love the netties!(:YAY!lol. Talked to people and yeah(: I'm going to church tomorrow(: YAY,i love god too!(: Praise the Lord! :) I LOVE MINYEE HONEY!♥ Tag replies! Minyee: HAHHAA(: there! its there^^^^LOL(: LOVE YOU BABE! Kim: HAHA,stop copying me i tell you! lol,love you. happy valentine's day! Kaela: Yeah lah,i want you to be my valentine lah!haha(: LOVE YOU. P.S/: Happy valentine's day lovelies!(: Love you all loads! ♥fangying;)) Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 5:16 AM ♥ talk about my life
Today had game with kuo chung? I don't know how to spell!:Xhaha,first time ever i won the first centre pass!:DDDD YAYYYY! lol. Game wasn't that good because I fell right at the first quarter! Omg,its so embarassing!lol. I think its damn hilarious now:) Everyone freeze and stop when I fell and continued only after coach shouted continue!hahaha,damn funny! I think i got affected by mei luh! I don't usually fall! haha,but at least she didn't fall today!:D thats a good thing!:D Played WA for 3rd and 4th quarter:) It was more relaxing!:) But i think i like C more:DDDD Anyway,after game ran one round because i had a stepping due to miss pass luh! Then still punish me! Not fairrrrr!haha,but whatever lah! Then went back to school and ran 2.4,timing like shit like that!): I run super slow nowadays! hateeee it! Going track training with mei soon!:DDD Did the biometrics drills?lol. Partnered shermin and callista!:D Was quite ok lah because coach didn't come back with us:) But we didn't slack luh! Then yeah,after training talked to charmaine and mei:) Had fun,was crapping all the way! And i love amanda majapahit! She's the best lahh! Thanks for helping me bring down my phone! I love kaela man! She's the best tooooo! Loveeeee youu! I'm going to work on my valentine gifts soon after my maths! haha,i haven done them yet!:X OH no,i got to go now! If not sure cannot finish!haha,okay. see you all soon! Tag replies! Kaela: HAHAHA:) AWW,I LOVE YOU SO MUCH KAELA!:D YOU'RE THE BEST!:) Shok Teng: haha:)thanks! I'm fine now!:DDD Diandra: HAHA:)Lovessssss!♥ Lyn:I'm not stressed now but i soon will be!): You're the best mei i ever had man!:D love you much much!♥ I LOVE KAELA,LYN MEI,PET,ANGELA,CLARICE AND AMANDA MAJAPAHIT!♥ ♥fangying:)) Thursday, February 12, 2009 @ 5:12 AM ♥ talk about my life
Had game with Ang Mo Kio Secondary today. Not very happy with my performance because my defending was poor. Couldn't really keep up with the opponent WA during centre pass and it was 2 to 1-.- We still let her got the ball. Not good): I need to stick close to my C too,sometimes didn't have any idea where she is): I got to follow her step for step! Asked coach about how was my play today and she said this: 'Your attacking play play today was ok,passes were accurate, drives in the centre thrid were good,much better than the previous few games. But you didn't do enough in the defending goal third and your defending play was poor, didn't keep near to your centre, didn't challenge enough. During the earlier games and friendly games,it was the other way round,your defending play was good but attacking play was poor. It was a reverse today. Given a choice, I will say attacking play is more important, so concentrate more on it. Of course the ideal situation will be to improve on both areas.' Gosh,i'm so weird. One day good in defending play, one day good in attacking play-.- I can't be like that, I need to be good in both defending and attacking): The question is how? I think i should really go and run with mei:) Need to improve my stamina. Getting lower and lower,like whats my problem?! I'm so pissed with myself. Sorry,callisata for venting my anger on you): I know i'm being so totally mean and unreasonable. I'm sorry. Thanks kah hui for always being there to listen to my problems:) Clarice too! Thanks loads,love youuuuu!:D Couldn't survive without you all. Thanks kaela too!:) Thanks for the message and yeah i missed you when you weren't online yesterday! I was having bad cramps yesterday,totally felt like dying): My family actually wanted to send me to the hospital! hahaha,so cool. lol. Anyway,been really busy with work and everything. 24 hours a day is not enough! Even mei had to stay up till like 4 plus to finish her work! Omg,i'm so proud of her:) She's so hardworking:) Amanda majapahit is stressed too,just like me): I love my partner man:D lol. Had so much fun with her in class:) We got like so much projects to do! OMG. 1. History project 2. Geography project 3. OM 4.Chinese script thingy HAHAHA:) I'm so smart to leave my history project on the table and went home. I better find it tomorrow or I'm dead:X Okay,I'll end here:) See ya soon! ♥fangying:)) Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @ 5:19 AM ♥ talk about my life
Extra training today again. I think warmup was okay:) Drills not too bad but towards the end its BAD. Got scolding and punishment again,I knew nothing good will come out of it. Just seriously what you want from me? Had CE today and talked about how we manage our emotions and yeah minyee just had to shout out my name and ms soh asked me to share. Okay,first thing that came to my mind was netball. haha,got no idea why. Talked about how SHE scolds us,torture us and do unreasonable things. And my reactions to it. haha,felt quite good after telling the whole class everything:) One way to ventilate it all out:) After training which also mean after I got scoldings I was in the i-don't-care mood:Dhaha,if not i'll most probably just broke down and cried.lol. I've never been good at managing my emotions,I'm just like a piece of white paper. When I'm sad its written there,I AM SAD. haha,thats just me. lol. I'm just wondering what she wants out of me? Everything I do is not good enough and I just got to be so stupid to join IJ when I already saw her true colours during primary school. I'm just an idiot,seriously. Who will be so atupid like me? Okay,maybe lyn mei and kah hui :Dhaha,they are as stupid as me:) Loveeee my mei and kah hui:D But anyway its my choice and I got to just continue the responsibilities behind this bad choice. I won't be so stupid anymore,2 more years it'll all be over and i'm going to end this misery forever:) No more,SHE and NO ACJC definitely:D It'll be happy life without netball:) Although I'll most probably get fat:XHAHA:) Game tomorrow against AMK! Better do well or else another 2.4 will be coming my way soon! haha:)I'm quite optimistic after all:)Lol,everyone should go and watch NICK VUJUCIC'S VIDEO!:D Its super inspiring:) Today msn's really quiet without kaela): Miss talking to her somehow,I just simply have no time to spend with my other friends!): Thats a really bad thing! Netball is swallowing me up! Not good. haha,i sound like the poem thingy for lit. Kay,i shall go and complete my english response and sleep!:D Get ready for the game tomorrow and tag replies~!:D Kaela: HAHA:) i got your hint! Letters coming your way but it'll be later kay! I'm kinda busy with hw and netball): sorry, love you kae!:D Angela: Hello,angelaaaa!:D Andrea: HAHA:) are you serious?! omg,we should so totally visit him soon! And MRS KHOO!:D Danielle: I've heard nick live at the national young leaders talk before! He's just AMAZING!:D Lyn: hello mei mei:) No lah,you're the best! haha,love you much!♥ a special hear for you lah:D Kaela: You're not online today! miss you. Angela: HAHAHA:)yesyes,love you loads loads! i hate netball!): fangying:)) Monday, February 9, 2009 @ 5:40 AM ♥ talk about my life
heylos everyone!:D I think today's a great day!Although there's like training!:X Training today wasn't good:( Sheryl and I died.lol I shall skip the bad part so ended training and bathed:D After that went for cluster camp meeting:D Haha,talk a little:) Kah hui helped me buy foood and drinkkks!:D yay! I love kah hui!:D Saw christie,krystle,claratee!,joan,gen,sabrina,weijia and lots more:D Had fun and i love council!:D Council is loveeee! Then after lunch played a while with claratee and went home with kah hui!:D Talked and bus-ed:D Talk to mei mei:) Had soooo much fun! haha,she's damn nice today:)haha,then went online talked to fatty kaela!:Dhaha,we both felt super loved today:) And I finish making the class blog today!:DI feel super acomplished! YAY! I love 2/2 '09!:D We're the best! Read letters I've recieved last year:) Brought back many memories! I love pet! haha,she's always there to give my advices:D I actually need to thank alot alot alot of people from primary school to secondary school,everyone:D And I feel very peaceful now,love today!My family are cool today too! Had a super good dinner with them:)haha,LOVE MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS!:D I love FATTY KAELA,PET! AND MEI MEI!:D GOD, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,courage to change the things I can,and wisdom to know the difference.Living one day at a time,enjoying one moment at a time,accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,taking,as Jesus did,this sinful world as it is,not as I would have it,trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will.so that I may be reasonable happy in this life and supremely happy in the next. Amen. ♥ fangying:)) Saturday, February 7, 2009 @ 6:24 AM ♥ talk about my life
Had match against guangyang today and it was quite good:) 76-0:D But warmup was bad,square ball and split ball was :X. SAW JOY!:DDDDD I miss pl netballers!:( Still remember last time joy wanted to run with me but no,last round she went chooooooo! Gone. HAHAHA,i miss those great times!:( After game,ran 2.4 in school and i'm really disappointed with my performance. I'm so totally not performing up to standard and yes,what coach said was true. I only know how to say with my mouth that i will work hard,but did i really push myself? I really feel that i'm seriously not putting enough effort. I need to pace myself for the 2.4 run and i need to think where to throw and where to drive,what kind of pass,all these things. Yes,i definitely fail as a IJ netballer. I'm not fit to be in the team but i'm willing to work hard and get things right again. No more empty promises, I need to do this for myself,for the team and for the school. This is my last and final wake up call and i'm not going to stay in this state anymore. I've been here too long and its time to move on. I'm doing my best i can and leaving the rest to god,i know he will make things all right again. Amen. fangying Tuesday, February 3, 2009 @ 5:50 AM ♥ talk about my life
hey people!:D I'm back!:D I'm blogging quite often nowadays:)So supposingly its off day for us but i had to go back toy school for food comm meeting! It was quite funny i guess,reached school and everyone was staring at me walk to the table:O I though i was late,actually i was but a little bit only luh!haha,then we stoned together while we wait for gracia to finish eating her chee chong fan!HAHA:) Then we couldn't find majong paper?!:O lol,then i got no idea where cheryl found it!haha. Started on the pert and it was quite successful! I was drawing pictures on the pert!haha,had fun! After food comm meeting,had lunch with pet,lin,jaime,kah hui:) Pet was having diarrhoea so she stayed in school and kah,lin,jaime and i went out to buy food!:D Bought chicken rice for pet but not drink because jaime said its bad for her because she had diarrhoea! You all should totally see how jaime explain why pet shouldn't drink bubble tea:Dhahahha! Went back to school and had a super funny lunch,was laughing all the way! Kah hui and jaime didn't allow pet to drink bubble tea:)HAHAHA:) Then played with pet,kaela:D Gave some ideas to sheryl's debate group:D It was funny! Helped kaela in her science and after that went to interchange with kae,nat,lynette,huiying:) Went popular and home-d with huiying! Reached home and did my history research!:D I'm going to do my lit now,so toodles! And netties,rest well and see you all at the chapel at 7.10 tomorrow!:D And i love kaela the fatty!lol,yes and pet:D Tag replies! Lyn: You didn't run with me AGAIN!:( Kaela FATTY!;D: hahha,i also say 'i love you' alot of times! see you in school soon fatty!:DD Kim: HAHA,you super random lah. Bored go and disturb your jacky lahhh!:Dlol fangying:)) Monday, February 2, 2009 @ 2:42 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() HI FATTY KAELA!:D HAHAHA:) Its been real fun getting to know you last year! You're always so bubbly and smiley!:Dlol Although we didn't get to talk to each other during chinese or anything but we get to talk on msn and spam each others tagboard!:Dhaha,love you fatty and we shall go and have lunch and play together soon!:D I dedicate one post to you too! YAY me!:D lol LOVE YOU FATTY KAELA! fangying:)) Sunday, February 1, 2009 @ 6:40 AM ♥ talk about my life