God will provide
I need: ♥ A stronger relationship with Jesus! ♥ Do well in Sec 3 ♥ Go back to SHANGHAI. ♥ My friends and family to be under God's grace! ♥ to learn to let go and let God. Archives
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♥ TWO TWO♥ ONE TWO ♥ COUNCIL ♥ IJ NETBALL ♥ DANIELLE ♥ PETRINA ♥ ANGELA ♥ AMANDA LOW ♥ KIMBERLY ♥ KAELA ♥ LYN ♥ KIMBERLY CHEW ♥ LISA +agnes +amabel +andrea goh +andrea koh +andreea +anne xue +alycia +ariaga +bernice +catalina +caitlin +callista +cezanne +chai ning +chelsey +cheryl teow +cheryl poh +christabel +christie yeo +christine +christine lee +clara tee +cynthia +daniel lee! +daphne +elizabeth tan +estee +estelle +esther +fang +felicia soh +gabrielle +guo fang +gwen seah +hazel +hui geok +hui yi +hui ying +isabel lau +joan +jochebel +joy chia +jia yan +jia ying +kah hui +karlyn +kathleen +keely +ke xuan +lesley! +li keng +ling yi +lydia +marrissa +mei shuen +melody +min en +natalie +nicole<3<3 +nina +ONE ONE +one three +one four +one five +one seven +one eight +pamela +qian hui +qian yan +qium +rachel w. +regina +ruth +ryan +sabrina +sandra +sarah +serene +shermin +sheryl seet +shi pei +shi yun shok teng +shu yi +sophia +susie +tessa +valerie +wei min +wei ting +wendi +wen jin +yi ting +yun ting |
![]() A few more hours and we will be training under the hot sun again. Its been a long time since we have trained together and I bet everyone loved the days without netball. This year and next year will be a tough year for the sec 2 netties this year as we have to get used to being in B div. Wow, I still feel as though I'm just a sec 1.. lol. I am seriously not prepared to go up to B div. With my standard, I don't think i'll make it into the main 7 but i will put in effort and do what I can. I know this new B div team will make it to the nationals next year, i pray in Jesus name, Amen.(: As for the sec 1 this year, I'm going to miss playing with you all! Work hard and get the championship back next year!(: You all can do it! Put all your differences aside and make this new team a united one okay?(: Anyway, yesterday was ACCIDENT DAY for me and my family. LOL(: First accident happened when we went on our way back from church and this car out of the sudden came turning out and stopped there, as we were going straight, we almost bang into that car! That car driver was not even sorry for that! So wth-.- Next accident happened when we went back to fetch my grandma and there was a car accident that happened infront of us! Okay, the third accident was not car accident anymore. We went to this restaurant and after ordering and stuff, the drinks came and this waiter was carrying alot of drinks and we told him to like just put it down and we'll do it ourselves but no, he insisted on giving out the drinks and when it came to my uncle's drink, he spilt the ice coffee and the coffee went all over the place! It kena my uncle and me! Wth right and that time I had already written the feedback form and i ticked above average for the service and ahaha, i changed it. lol, 4 th accident was when after we finish dining this waitress was clearing the table and the knife slipt and dropped in front of me! Omg, i was about to shout 'murder,murder!' ahhah(: You all should have seen it lah! 5th accident, we saw another accident on the way home! ahaha, 3 cars banged together! What an accident day I had? LOL Training is in a few hours time! All the way netties!:D Tag replies! Kaela: Miss you too, i haven talked to you for a long time! Tessa: Eh, you so mean! I don't want to run! You're not coming for training right? :( gUO Fang: hahaha(: I spelt correctly!:D Sorry about it! Miss you(: Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 6:05 PM ♥ talk about my life
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Went to NUS today for some lecture, came to school at around 7.50(: Went up to find ms soh for a while,talked alot and crapped(: hehe,went to NUS and we walked alot alot. NUS is like some big maze! Its kinda old too! Walked up and down and finally we reached the lecture theatre! The professor shown us loads of experiments! Its so cool! He made coca cola,beer and other stuff(: The talk ended early so we went back to school earlier too. Brunch with shuli,jane and maine. After that went to the library and i couldn't find the john, green book! An abundance of katherines! >: ( hahah(: The toilet incident was funny! lol, after that shuli came to my house and she created havoc! ahha(: I caught her in action with the camera! LOL, but we did work too!:D Yay(: Anyway, i found the cable! So pictures are up including my birthday's one:D Okay, i'll end here. Update more the next time! Church tomorrow! Yay(: Tag replies! Wenjin: hahah(: Sorry lah, you must give me some credit for editting by letting me put myself as cool! Lol, thanks! You rock too!:D Shi Pei: Wow, rare tagger here! thanks!(: Saturday, May 30, 2009 @ 4:52 AM ♥ talk about my life
End of term 2! Time really flies and its the last day of school today!:O Yesterday's skip fit thingy was fun!:D I was having so much fun!:D I like the long rope thingy!:) Heehee, charmaine was just noob all the way! ahhaha(: Everyone did it except maine! Today had founder's day mass and it was awesome!:D I love mass today and the message by father simon! 'Father barre' came! :O hahaha(: Cool cool cool! Got back report book, results was okay i guess. I improved but i need to continue to work hard, there's alot of room for improvements. Had a short farewell celebration for ms nadia(: Went to orchard with maine,gaby and jane!:D Watched terminator salvation with jane while maine and gaby watched dance subaru. I seriously didn't know jane was that scardy cat! hahah(: She was screaming and was so scared when the terminators came and all. hahah(: Was so funny! Meanwhile the couple behind us was kissing all the way! :O ahahha(: Funny funny funny! Bought ear rings with gaby! Cheap cheap! 90 cents only! Jane went for dental and maine,gaby and i walked around and camwhored!:D Walked and went home with maine:) Saw gen! ahhah(: Going out soon again, going to get the eastpack bag and more things!:D Yay, i love life without netball!:D On the other hand, netball is starting soon! :O 2 more days!:( Enjoy the last few days of relaxation, fangying!:D Netties too! Science centre tomorrow!:D Yay. I want to go to brisbane! Tag replies! Tessa: hahah,yeah. soon soon! :( Amabel: haha yeah, i wanted something new!:D Of course i rmb you all! Minyee: Yeah, omg like 2 more days! >: ( Amanda: Heehee, nvm lah!:D You're so nice, won't blame me right? LY Nicole: hahah(: Thanks, i link soon. I'm lazyyy. heehee(: Maxene: Its okay babe, still love you!:D Tessa: yeah! Shit, i don't want trg!:( Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 3:53 AM ♥ talk about my life
I couldn't find my cable to transfer pictures from my camera to the computer!): So no pictures today. Anyway, retreat today was not as powerful as last year i would say. Didn't cry or anything but I was just impressed with those who dared to come up and confess/confront those that they hurt/ those that are hurted and all. Overall, retreat was fun!:D I love the ghost story and songs(: Short post for now, i'm getting kinda restless. Thanks lyn, amabel and amanda for the present!:D I love it!:) Lunch with gaby was fun, we met lyn,qizhi and shokteng. Joined them for lunch(: Was super entertaining! I'm looking forward to movie with charmaine and amanda tmr!:D Oh and amanda was sick today and didn't come! >: ( Shuli didn't come too! Recess was kind of weird without them. Yup, thats all i guess and netball is starting! :O 1 st june! Good times pass really fast >: ( Tag replies! Minyee: ahhaha(: more like shocked than touched but thanks babe:D Amabel: hahah(: I never forget you all luh! Love you all to the max!:D People, tag more tag more! I need more people to talk to me!:D heehee. Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 4:01 AM ♥ talk about my life
thanks babe for always hearing me out and all. Still remember how friendly you were when i first came to IJ(: Love the times we hang out together, gossip together :O hahaha(: Love you so much so much, thanks for being such a wonderful friend! Don't forget me kay!:D Though I only got close to you this year, I really treasure you alot. Thanks for always being there for me and i do enjoy staying back with you!(: We'll stay back more often alright? Love you much! hahha(: Its majapahit's turn! I know you through council last year when we were at the chapel singing! ahhah(: I still remember how you sang! I'm glad I got to know you better after you joined 2/2(: Love sitting with you so much! We crapped so much, but i still enjoyed it. Thanks for being such a great and not forgetting weird friend! ahhaha(: Love you much and thanks for the tiger and monkey! Get well soon~:) Hey, my most beloved friend!:D Thank you for being such a great friend to me. I will never never forget the times we spent together when we were sec 1 and sec 2. Sec 1 was so enjoyable with you! We talked and laughed and even went to the zoo! hahah(: Though there were some misunderstanding(s) between us but i'm glad its all cleared. Its also because of this kind of things that make out friendship stronger. Thanks for always standing by me, love you so much shuli!:D Thank you all for the times we have spent together since sec 1. One Two '08 was the best! I really had a lot of fun with all of you all! The times where we went for sec 1 general leadership programme where we ran all over singapore. The times where we tried to petition against you-know-who. The times where we won so many inter-class games, be it dance, netball or basketball(: The times where we all participated in the sec 1 drama competition and won. Every single thing we did together, though we may have our arguments on the way but in the end this are the things that make one two '08 and two two '09 unique. I love you 1/2 08 and 2/2 09! Though the times we spent together are not very long but it was indeed memorable. I will never forget the times we stayed so late for invest,teacher's day,ij fiesta. I really enjoy the times we had together! Thank you for always being so nice and all, love you all so much and hoppefully we'll still be able to work together next year! ( There's the scary election month! :O ) I must thank all of you for perserving till the end though we didn't win the championship this year. We've been through so much so much together, all the tough trainings, the killer runs and sprints, matches and all. Thank you all for toleranting with my bad temper when I get pissed off or anything. Thank you so much so much for always standing by me. I'm sorry that I wasn't such a good captain. But thank you all for all your understandings and encouragements when I'm down. Wouldn't have survive this tough season without every single one of you. Thank you for everything, I LOVE YOU IJ NETBALL C'DIV! hahah(: Inside joke! Thank you so much for being my good friend for so long! It was indeed a blessing to have you as my friend. Thank you for always toleranting with my nonsense and all. Thank you for always being there when i need to talk to you, thank you for always accompaning me when i need to get something or whatever. If I ask, you'll do it(: Most of the times.. hahah(: But its this things that make you special. I really really can't imagine how school will be like without you! I really enjoy the times we spent together be it during class, during recess, during netball ( although most of the time i don't exactly talk to you), during council. after school lunchs and dinners(: Thank you mainey for everything, although i don't normally say this to you but i will say this today. i love you! hahah(: Although we only got close last year but i'm glad i met you. Thank you for always lending me your listening ears when i need them and always trusting me. You're have been a great friend and I don't know where else i can find a friend like you. Thank you for everything peck. love you always. THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS AWESOME 14TH BIRTHDAY! \ I haven been blogging for a long time and i bet no one visits my blog anymore but i'll still post for some people!:D hahaah(: Birthday this year was awesome and memorable! Firstly, IJ fiesta was on the same day and it seems like the whole school is celebrating for me!:D hahah(: My birthday is not only celebrated on 22may but as well as 23 and 24! Its like a 3-day celebration thing! I feel really blessed and thank you everyone who have bought me a present, gave me a card, wished me ' happy birthday ' or simply by just giving me a hug!:D Thank you so much so much! I'm so fortunate to have all of you as my friends! 21 may- preparation Got back maths and lit results.bad. Anyway, everyone was so busy preparing for ij fiesta! Stayed back to help in moving the tables, put up signs, arrange the tables and all. Had loads of fun drawing sign with amanda!:D Stayed till quite late, about 9 plus. Fetched charmaine to serangoon mrt station, had fun talking to her while waiting for my uncle to come. So tired when i went home! Ate and when i was ablout to sleep, phone rang and i thought was my father but it was min yee! :O ahhah, kind of shocked! She called and wished me happy birthday!:D ahha(: Thanks babe and jane who sms me at about 12 plus(: 22 may- IJ fiesta! I woke up at 5.30 a.m because need to reach school by 6.30 to help unload the food and stuff. Came to school and i was pratically half-asleep.. hahah(: Saw christie and stoned with her for a while and helped to curl the strings. Christie can't curl them! ahhah(: Funny, after that helped unload the things and rushed for assembly. Ms teo told us about the irish nun and all, was interesting!:D IJ spirit day was a blast! I was kind of high!:D heehee. Went to help for food comm and i was left with nothing to do.. lol, went to help amanda and tessa for bungee run!:D Played bungee run with amanda and tessa! Super fun!:D Helped a while and went to meet charmaine and all!:D Ate and played candy house with charmaine,qi zhi and amanda!:D Don't ever go candy house with qizhi! She screamed non stop and scare people! ahhaah(: Amanda was funny! Charmaine was just busy picking sweets-.- hahah. After that went to walk and stuff. Charmaine did duty and we sat at the steps to talk. Got bored and went to take picture with shuli and gaby!:D Yay! Did duty for human foosball and no one wanted to play ): So sad so we played by orselves!lol,was kind of fun towards the end when we play with gen and people(: After that went for duty with charmaine, stoned at the steps again-.- After stoning awhile charmaine and qizhi got to go to patrol so left me and gaby. We talked awhile then lyn and yiping came along!:D Talked to lyn and YP:D Had fun talking to sis and then YP went to take her water gun and she came back to shoot me! haha(: Snatched the water gun from her and i ran after lyn and YP!:D Was kinda fun tough(: Met with amanda and we went to the canteen and talk(: The fiesta ended, clean-up and debrief. Thank you council for singing me a birthday song!:D when they started singing the song i thought it was someone else's birthday day as they were all not looking in the direction where i was sitting.. ahhah(: Took a group picture! Bathed and fetched qizhi to serangoon mrt(: Ended this super fun day!:D 23 may Went out with uncle to play and stuff(: Was a great day overall, shall not elaborate too much. 24 may- celebrations with family! Just had celebration with family(: YAY, love my family loads loads! Will upload pictures soon!:D Tag replies! Yixin: hahah,yeah! I miss mrs tay too! We should meet up with her soon!:D Minyee: You're here to flood my tagboard again!lol, love you. Tessa: hahah(: She's like that, get used to it(: LOL Maxene: ahha(: I KNOW YOU LOVE ME BABE!:D Sin shall not have dominium over you when you're under grace.(: Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 4:26 AM ♥ talk about my life
2 years have passed and i still can't forget what we've been through together, as a class.. Went back to PL pri yesterday with qizhi(: Saw uncle richard! lol,went up and qizhi saw madam meena? haha,her p6 form teacher! Madam meena told me something really interesting about qizhi! ( come ask me if you want to know!) hahha,qizhi is so going to kill me but wh cares? (: Saw ms goh as well, talked and chatted. Ms lee lao shi!!! Ms ho!!! hahah(: lee lao shi srill remember me! She taught me HCL when when i was p4 and p5!(: Love you man! Ms ho was my p5 form teacher(; hahah, so many teachers that have seen me grown over the years.. Going back to pl brought back many many memories I had, saw the netballers!! Kalista and andrea(: Estee was nno where in sight.. Pon training I bet! Then saw the juniors too, elsa, huiyi, daphne,hazel. Still in netball suprisingly! The pl sec coach is so so so scary! I think coach mun is better, at least she make sense unlike... lol. Played abit of netball with qizhi! The place where every morning netballers will meet there and shoot together(: Play during recess and the time we had together during recess(: Those are moments where i will definitely not forget.. Miss the pl days! Anyway, results are back! I think I did pretty well as compared to last year(: I totally flunk sec 1 lah! LOL, don't learn from me! English was okay i guess,b4.. haha,compo was really bad! :( Compre was good(: HMT was disaster as usual.. 0.5 more to b4 -.- science was hais,A2, 70.5. Home econs was bad.. my section c was bad! Geography was totally pissing me off! I studied so hard for it! I started revision for geog like weeks before the exams and i made so many notes! In the end i got what? An C5-.- Well done fangying-.- History was suprisingly good(: So much better than geog,A2. Maths and lit left! I hope I'll do well!(: i want one A1 please! The time has come! IJ FIESTA! hahah(: I can't wait till IJ fiesta! It'll be super fun and exciting! Yay. Its my b'day too! hahah(: EVERYONE COME TO PLAY HUMAN FOOSBALL WITH ME AT 2-3PM! ITS AT THE SPACE BETWEEN THE SEC 1 CLASSES! I'll be playing with you all, so everyone come down!(: I want to go to haunted house! Play dino land! hahah(: There's other fun games too! So what you're waiting? Come down and have some fun! Its time for tag replies! Amandateo: Hey! miss you all too! IJ fiesta is at 2-5 pm! At CHIJ sec (toa payoh) Call me if you need any help! It'll be super fun, come on and have some fun!:D Kimchew: HAHHA(: LOVE YOU ALOT TOO! Tessa: JIAYOU JIAYOU! you all can do better at eoys~! Maxene: DON'T SAD MANGO! AHHAHA(: No matter what happens i'll be here for you if you need me yeah?(: LY Andrea: hahah(: your coach is so scary! Gosh :X Miss you all loads! Tessa and maxene: Why are you all talking to each other on my tagboard? hahha(: I'm so happy that we're talking again(: love you much! fangying:)) Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 4:05 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() These few days have been busy with exams and its finally over! It hasn't really sunk into me that exams are over and on monday we're going to get back our papers!:O Science,HMT and english! HMT is just bad bad bad >: ( So difficult and I left blanks:( I know i'm not supposed to, but i seriously got no idea what to write. Im just going to accept whatever marks i'm going to get(: Okay,enough about exams(: Life without netball and exams are just too good(: I can play computer for all I want, read books, sleep at 12, wake up at 12, hahah. I feel like so pig here! After exams, went out with charmaine,shuli,jane,melody and gaby(: Stupid amanda went to eat lunch with krystel they all instead of us >: ( Went lido and ate kfc, saw pl girls, stc people and st marg' peeps. Talked alot and crapped alot, everyone was so relaxed! Charmaine, I'm serious! You are so preeeeeeeeeety now! hahah, don't vomit on me! It was so funny! Walked all day, went borders then idk where. LV-ed with gaby! It was so fun, the doormans are really stupid!hahah, gaby thought chanel's door was automatic! lol, and we found out it wasn't. The staff there were way better(: At least they bothered to welcome us( even though we were just some ordinary IJ girls, we wore school uniform for your information!) Bought shoes and shorts with mel at cotton on(: Yay. After that went libraby a while and went home(: Was kind of fun although I didn't get to watch movie >: ( Thursday, went pizza hut with amanda, shuli, charmaine,jane, gaby and amanda's sister, annabelle?lol, amanda taught as how to put cheese into the mushroom soup! hahah, talked alot and it was so fun! Love hanging out with them lah(: After that went library with shuli!(: Yay, searched for books and after that went with shuli to buy macs for her brother. Her brother is damn bad lah! Always bully shuli one luh! Ask her buy this buy that! Tsk tsk! hahah, walked to bus stop with shuli(: Home-d and chatted online with lyn(: She's damn retarded, but she's like the only one who can make me laugh with all her LAME joke when i'm down. Love you,sis! Dinner and slept(: Friday, went back to school in the morning for GM. After that helped out for food comm, had loads of fun with horny kimchew, sex maniac wenjin, horniest-est amanda goh SY,esther and hairless ariaga(: hahah. Took those crazy pictures with masking tape! That day was just plain hilarious! Today went for DARE service!(: I was supposed to meet amabel and amanda ( A&A) at 12.15 and i reached there at like 12.40? hahah,sorry! Took 53 to Bishan and I met cassandra! Train-ed with her to tp then after that I was let alone to Cityhall. Met rachel at cityhall and went to suntec with her(: Went to meet A&A at foodcourt,taked,ate. After that went to mini toons to buy sweets! Walked around and went for DARE service,met coach val(: Signed up for DARE at welcome lounge(: Saw sarah and ariessa! hahah, service was good today, pastor keith was super funny! He talked about S_X! hahah,i liked the demo though(: After service, went home with amabel and was trying to find presents for grace and anne marie! gosh, I think i'm going broke soon! >: ( hahah and i found out amanda has the same birthday as my grandmother! :O hahah. Went home and slacked, currently reading the flamboya tree. Its so nice and touching! Everyone should read this! Thank you shuli for choosing such a nice book for me to read!(: Love ya! Wow,thats quite a long update! hahah, will be updating more soon! Next up, tag replies! Kaela: hahah(: nvm lah, we can fail together!(: LOL Amanda: LOL, nvm i believe you will do well! Yay,go amanda! Tessa: hahah,you will do well too! Your compo is damn good!(: Rosabel: hahah,thank you rosie! Its so nice sitting with you!(: Tessa: You cheater lah! hahah,love you too! Maxene: hahah, amanda beat you! hahha,love you babe! Kaela: MISS you tooo! Haven gone out with you since so long! Nicole: You arh! Take so long one luh! Faster lah,lazy piggggg! hahha Elle: ahhah(: You returned the book late then got fine! hahah but its okay i shall be nice and pay for you since you lend me money so many times! Love you much!(: Amabel: Updated already! hahah(: Come for my school's fiesta on 22may! Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 4:28 AM ♥ talk about my life