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I need: ♥ A stronger relationship with Jesus! ♥ Do well in Sec 3 ♥ Go back to SHANGHAI. ♥ My friends and family to be under God's grace! ♥ to learn to let go and let God. Archives
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AWAY AT BRISBANE FROM 28 AUGUST TO 5 SEPT! :D I know you all will miss me, don't miss me too much yeah(: Be back soon! Thursday, August 27, 2009 @ 9:49 PM ♥ talk about my life
Although there were hiccups here and there during invest yesterday, it was still awesome! Our efforts were all worth it (: Staying back to help with gifts,deco and rehearsals were all worth it and we had loads of fun too! Another bonus for me during yesterday's invest was that estee came! Omg,i was so happy and shocked to see her! Haven seen her for a long long time! I miss all the pl netballers! ): I need a gathering soon! Michelle from pl primary came too!(: Debbie came too, sorry couldn't host you! ): But charmaine was quite entertaining wasn't she? haha,you two gang up against me some more! hahaha, yesterday was jsut plain awesome! I hosted guest from SJC and they were really nice!:D Joyce and I had so much fun with prithi and satvin!:D Yesterday was a night to remember (: Dear lord,thank you for bringing me through the whole week. Thank you for letting me see my old friends again! Thank you lord for everything! In Jesus's most precious name, Amen. Tag replies! Danielle: ahhah,sure sure!(: Maxene: Truetrue. hahah,i have not watched GG for a week! ): Gosh. Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 12:53 AM ♥ talk about my life
Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; This would mean no time for Gossip girl! ): Tag replies! Kaela: ahhah,yes! Nate is so hot! :O But i think jenny is really pretty!:D Maxene: They look nice but they are so mean! ): Serene: hahaha,yeah! GG Kim Chew: Hmm,they are okay i guess (: But in the show they are so mean! >: ( but blair's not that bad(: Lesley: hahah,eh very expensive leh ): And WHERE IS MY LINK! ): Serene: ahhah,yay! I miss you too! You too,shalom! (L) Minyee: Hey babe,what happened to you? Tell me soon,love you!(: Gwen: haha,sure! Link me too!:D I can do it,i can do it. For with God all things are possible (: Monday, August 17, 2009 @ 8:19 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() Gossip girl is so addictive and nice at the same time! Stayed back for deco comm today!:D Hee,quite efficient! We finish cutting the cloth!:D YAY,hahha! After that helped gifts comm(: Had quite alot of fun. Lessons today was okay,maths test was totally screwed up! :( On the other hand,i think history was alright. Home Economics was okay other then the fact that mrs lim is so annoying! >: ( Even mr cheong was better! Assembly was funny! Bananas are squishy and yummy!:D ahahah,there's the sec 2 drama competition today,2/7 won! Congrats(: Heard gillian was very cool acting as a guy? Lol,anyway i am officially addictied to Gossip Girl! Its like a super nice, blaire and chuck are just ewww. I think jenny is quite hot!:D Hee. Okayokay, i mustn't get too addicted to it! Okay, i think i'm going back to watching GG! I'll update soon again!:D Dear heavenly father, thank you for bringing me through today. I just want to thank you for always being with me and protecting me from all disease and illness. Thank you for the lessons i learn everyday through QT. I thank you for giving me the commitment to do my QT and breath prayers,so that i can spent time with You. Lord,i thank you for everything. In Jesus's most precious name, Amen. Tag replies! Tessa: yeah,i'll miss you alot too! ): thanks babe! Amabel: I'm fine!;D What about you?(: Shu Li: hahah,i hope you won't regret your decision! Stay happy girl:D Minyee: Hey babe! (L) Kim Chew: hahah,you're going to tell me what happened that day right?(: Rosabel: hey,partner!:D thanks for tagging me! Hee. Amanda: ahhah,is it the same old bird? LOL Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 7:40 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF TODAY! (: I went for training today! hahah,okay i was thinking of ponning but i didn't (: I'm a good girl! haha,training was okay i guess. Gillian is my awesome partner! hahah(: Half the class was either sent home or on MC ): Today class was so small! Maine and I was hoping we'll get sent home but we didn't! ): Had chinese test,didn't finish again-.- Rushed down for training and i was really hoping i can get my measurements done for the blazer but i didn't in the end ): Boo. Nothing much today i guess,i didn't get to do my QT in the morning because i thought i had to do pledge but in the end no pledge-.- Anyway,amanda was high with me today! (: Yay! mainey was just not hyper ): Oh wells,i'm in deco comm for invest,again. I was hoping i can get into like gifts or like at least programme booklet ): But we are all working together as students leaders so its cool! hahah. I'm going to do my science,geog and QT then sleep! haha(: Mid-week service tomorrow with serene! :D YAY! I miss new creation! ): Update soon again! (: Hee. Kim! Anything i'm always here for you yeah? (: Love you babe! Dear heavenly father, I pray today that you'll heal my classmates so that they may come back to school soon. I pray espcially for bel who's hospitalised, heal her and keep her safe. Thank you Lord for bringing my through today,letting me perserve and i help me to stay focus on You throughout this week. In Jesus's most precious name, Amen. Tag replies! Danielle: ahha(: Love you too! Papaya: Who are you? Are you amanda or? hahah,anyway. HELLO!:D Lyn: ahha,how to play with you when i don't even know where you are?! Come find me and you owe me letter,sis! ET: ahahh,thanks! (: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 5:54 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() Everything is created by God, including time. Today was an awesome day! (: Woke up early today to do my QT, prayed for concentration during service today and to look and Jesus at all times (: It helps alot! Service was really good today, some ex-drug convict (they don't look that sort in any way,seriously!) came to share their testimonies with us today(: It was really very touching! Service wasn't boring today,hahah(: Service-d with debbie and sheryl! :D During the service i felt that God's love was really present! I saw this women sharing her scraf with another women because she's cold. So sweet! hahah(: Praise God! Didn't go for YD because was sleeping :X hhaha,went to buy lunch with debbie,joey,danielle,sheryl! (: Then ate and played bridge. Long time since we played! Then Bible Study with debbie and joey(: Today's BS was quite heavy but it was good(: Realised there wasn't 4th today because of National day! hahah,so stayed in church. Didn't bring my work so can't study ): But talked to danielle! :D Hee,then daddy came to fetch me home. Tomorrow, no more UP ): Shuli and jane is sick,so going to church to mug and watch movie on danielle's laptop:D YAY! I realise I need to do alot of things! 1) English newspaper thing 2) Chinese Zhou Ji 3) Study for History Test 4)Study for Chinese test? (i got no idea how to do it!) 5) Settle Lit drama stuff 6)Prepare for upcoming Invest 7) Geography presentation Hmm,loads to do isn't it? But with God all things are possible! (: I will not let myself get restricted or anything by time (: Go FANGYING! (: Dear heavenly father, thank you for the wonderful BS, service and fellowship i had today. Teach me Lord to look to you at all times and to trust you. Lord,i just commit all my works into your hands. Thank you lord for everything! In Jesus's most precious name, Amen. Tag replies! Sabrina: hahah(: yup,jiayou together! Yeah,we'll have fun TOGETHER!:D Kimchew: Kimchewwww,i miss you alot too! ); We're going to see each other quite often for council,YAY! (L) Lesley: hahah,no luh! because i'm cool! hahah,kidding! I linked you already!:D Che: hahah,will link you soon!:D Rosabel: HAPPY NATIONAL DAY TOO! thanks (: Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 5:12 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() GM today was kind of emotional. New Exco conducted the GM,briefed us about the upcoming Investiture (: Invest is like on 21 August! Like less than 15 days! We need to all work together!(: After new exco, its the Exco for 08/09! I will definitely miss them alot! ): Especially gen! I miss those time during invest! So fun (: There's new people joining council and we all got to get to know each other and work together! I'll really miss the JCs for 08/09.. ): But no matter what happens, once a JC forever a JC! (: I love all of you! And Green House Rocks!(: hahha. Today's EP was bad ): Mrs Ng was really annoying! >: ( Oh wells,whatever. HHF was really funny! (: Hee. AMC today was okay i guess, other than the fact i was really dying to use my calculator! hahah,history was boring.. I guess today was quite meaningful. I didn't manage to do QT in the morning but i did it at home!(: hahah,QT really helps alot. Tomorrow's national day celebrations! Red shirt,lets celebrate!(: Update soon again! Dear lord,thank you for everything that you've given me. Thank you for keeping me safe and letting me be more sensitive to those around me (: Glad that things are worked out and everything's fine (: Thank you,lord for everything! In Jesus's most precious name, Amen. Tag replies! Kim chew: Hahha,hey Horny Chew!(: I miss you people! ): Thursday, August 6, 2009 @ 5:02 AM ♥ talk about my life
2.4 is over! (: Yay! Legs are aching and i don't think i should run in the morning.. hahah. Anyway, today was okay(: PE was quite fun after 2.4 run! Played basketball with maine,gaby,ari and some other people(: Shuli's ball can hardly reach the hoop lah! ahhah,then amanda is another one also,anyhow throw one. Super funny (: Recess and mandy did duty with me!(: Hee. GM tomorrow! I'm so anxious for the results ): Hope i get into council again! :D I'll stop worrying and leave this into God's hands (: Breath prayers and QTs in the morning help alot! Everyday there's something new for me to learn(: Now,i really need my mum to be online so that she can tell me her IC number that i need for the brisbane trip! Need to do my maths too. haha,AMC tomorrow.. Hmm,i guess i'll do my best and not worry about the rest (: Shoulders and legs are aching ): Hope tomorrow will be a good day! (: I know i've let go, I don't worry about you anymore. (: Dear heavenly father, take away all my cares and let me rest in you. All these things are beyond my control but they are not to you for you are kings above all kings. Thank you for today,thank you for letting me complete my 2.4 (: Thank you for everything,Lord. In Jesus's most precious name, Amen. Tag replies! Amanda: ahhah,you admit you're the RABBIT! (: hee. ET: yup,i get it (: thanks! Kim: hahah,you want to cheat eh? LOL,joking! Wednesday, August 5, 2009 @ 5:05 AM ♥ talk about my life
Today was a really busy day! Geog test,english test,training! ): Geog test was alright,I did my notes yesterday!:D I went home yesterday,talked on msn and went to sleep! hahah,i woke up at about 8 plus and did my work. Not too bad actually(: Anyway,today was okay i guess(: English test was okay too, i finished earlier than the rest!:D Hee. I did QT in the morning in class (: Yay,i'm going to keep to my daily commitment of doing QT everyday:D Today,breath prayer worked! I was really pissed off with that basketball board thing we have to do during training ): hahha,said the breath prayer and i completed it! Yay(: Training wasn't too bad today although i forgot to bring down my towel and shirt-.- I left them in class. Anyway,did drills with gillian!:D Was fun and funny:D Played with the two people who came for trial (: Quite fun! Then continued drills and it was good. Coach was in a good mood! (: Nothing much happen today,bbt with gillian,lyn and callista(: Then talked and all. Changed and went home with kahhui (: chatted and all. Then reached home and bathed,dinner-ed (: I finished my maths too. Yay and i just got reminded by jane that i have 2.4 to complete tomorrow-.- Dang. I don't want to run 2.4!!!! ): Haiz,but i guess i should get it over and done with(: Hope tomorrow will be a good day,got to stay back to do props too ): update soon again! Dear heavenly father, Thank you for bringing me through this day safely (: thank you for the trials today and keeping me free from temptations! :D hee,i commit tomorrow into your hands and give me strength to complete my 2.4 tomorrow! Thank you, Lord for everything. In Jesus's most precious name, Amen. Tuesday, August 4, 2009 @ 7:13 AM ♥ talk about my life
![]() Two two is just the best class ever (: Tiffany tagged me in this picture on facebook. Twotwo is just so unique and funny!(: Ms M., we're never forget you. hahahh(: This is so cute. Saturday,DARE with amabel and bernice(: Tsktsk,hahhah. Inside joke(: Service was okay i guess,not THAT powerful but still alright. Out with family after that,watched overheard(: Its quite good,actually wanted to watch The hangover (NC16) but then cousin was wearing t-shirt and shorts can't passoff.. LOL Dinner with family and homed. Woke up real early and went YD with debbie(: YD was about adultery and marriage and all. Then 1030 service with debbie(: Lunch with joey,debbie and joy. Bible Study was AWESOME!:D I had loads of fun(: Hee,looking forward to next week's BS! "Fought" with joey and debbie! hahah,chased them round everywhere. hahah(: Was really funny. Learnt alot from today's BS(: I love Bs with debbie and joey:D Studied and did work. Then daddy came to fetch me!(: Dinner with him at heartland mall. Then homed(: I finish my work already! Yay,i'm sleeping early today. Night peeps! Update soon again(: Dear heavenly father, Thank you for the wonderful day today. I want to thank you for joey and debbie for the great Bs I had today(: I've learnt alot and i just want to pray for joey that she will cope well with her studies and let her be a good testimony. I want to pray for debbie as well, help her to overcome her dislike to do Emaths and help her on her upcoming E maths test. Let her be discipline to do her daily QTs. Lord, I want to pray that you will also guide me to do the right things and to be more sensitive with the words I use and my actions. Help me to be able to concentrate in class and to be able to constantly remember You. Thank you for everything today,Lord. I commit tomorrow and the following week in your loving hands. In Jesus's most precious name, Amen. Tag replies! Kim: Hey KIMMM!(: Amabel: hey,where have you been? Relink needed? Shuli: ahhah,i'm smart you know.(: Do your work,lazy pig. Rosabel: Hee,thanks rosy!(: Debbie: Yup, you too! I'll be praying for you(: People ask me about you, i only have one thing to say, I've got over you (: hee. Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ 6:56 AM ♥ talk about my life